Learning phrasal verbs through conceptual metaphors of particles LTS Chongsik Lee March 07, 2012
Yasuda, S. (2010). Learning phrasal verbs through conceptual metaphors: A case of Japanese EFL learners. TESOL Quarterly, 44, Source
Fill in the blanks with the words given below so that the sentence will make sense. 1.When she heard the news, she burst ( ) tears. 2.No one can figure ( ) how the fire started. 3.Do you know how many people showed ( ) at the party? Warm-up activity up, down, into, out, off
Two (or more) parts that function as a single verb. Verb+ particles (close association with the verb) Examples: give in/ give up/ give out/ give away put on/ put out/ put up/ put way/ put off What are phrasal verbs?
Vocabulary practice? Through reading? Memorization? How did you learn phrasal verbs?
Korean English learners: L1 (Korean) : 내리다 (ne-ri-da, verb-itself) L2 (English) : get off (verb + particle) Are there any difficulties in learning phrasal verbs?
Spatial orientations derived from the experience of the human body Up-down In-out Into On-off Orientational meanings of particles
Conceptual metaphors of INTO INTO INVOLVEMENT/MIXING Enter into/ run into CHANGING Turn into/ Burst into
Conceptual metaphors of UP UP COMPLETION Use up/ dry up MORE VISIBLE/ ACCESSIBLE Show up/ open up
Conceptual metaphors of DOWN DOWN DEFEATING/SUPPRESSING Turn down/ knock down LOWERING/DECREASING Calm down/ break down
Conceptual metaphors of OUT OUT SEARCHING/ FINDING Figure out REMOVING/ EXCLUDING Leave out/ rule out
Conceptual metaphors of OFF OFF DEPARTURE SEPARATION Get off/ take off STOPPING CANCELLING Call off/ pay off PREVENTION PROTECTION keep off
Fill in the blanks with the words given below so that the sentence will make sense. 1. My car broke ( ) again. 2. I hope this seed grows ( ) a fine apple tree. 3. These figures don’t add ( ) to the right total. 4. I tried to wash ( ) the stain on the table cloth. 5. Scientists seek ( ) new ways to cure the disease. Check-up activity up, down, into, out, off