Welcome to PreCalculus! Instructor: B. Beck-Smith
What is PreCalculus? Math course that prepares students for AP Calculus, AP Statistics, or College Algebra Course enhances on concepts taught in Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry Exposes students to concepts involving Trigonometry
Classroom Rules Be in your assigned seat working on the bell ringer before the tardy bell rings. Raise your hand to be acknowledged by the teacher. Eating or drinking in the classroom is prohibited. The use of inappropriate language or behavior will not be tolerated. During lecture or note-taking, participating or engaging in side conversation is not allowed. Follow the directions of the teacher the first time they are given.
Consequences Verbal warning Teacher-student conference Afterschool detention Parent-teacher conference Documented referral to administrator.
Rewards Beck Bucks 5 bonus points to any classwork, homework, or quiz. 10 bonus points to any classwork, homework, or quiz. Homework pass only Beck Bucks must be used before the end of the grading period! No exceptions!
Student Expectations Bring ALL required supplies to class everyday. Ask questions regarding what is being taught. Complete all assignments on time. Attend tutoring sessions when needed. Maintain a grade of 81 or above. Study one hour a day at home to master skills. Take ALL notes in class.
Parent/Guardian Expectations Ensure that your child is attending every class everyday Check to see if your child is completing assignments inside and outside of class Attend any scheduled parent-teacher conferences Provide various avenues of contact
Teacher Expectations Provide engaging and challenging lessons to ALL students Conference with students periodically about grades and behavior Contact parent/guardian about changes in behavior Motivate ALL students to meet or exceed expectations
Supplies Textbook: McGraw-Hill PreCalculus (Provided in class) Pencils College-ruled paper Two college-ruled spirals TI-84 Calculator (Provided in class) 3-inch 3-ring binder A willingness to learn Dry-erase markers Colored pens Klennex Hand sanitizer
Grade Breakdown Homework and Classwork: 60% of final grade Projects, Tests and Quizzes: 40% of final grade
Classwork Assignments Allows the teacher to check for understanding Allows the teacher to help students correct any mistakes you make before you do homework Assignments are due at the end of the class period Encourages collaboration among classmates Counts one time
Homework Assignments Allows the student to show mastery on what was taught in class from 1 st day of school Various questions of difficulty are given to challenge the student to think Allows the teacher to see if you can do the assignment independently Assignments are due at the beginning of the period before entering the classroom Counts one time
Class/Major Projects A high-level assignment or high-level task that allows the student to work individually or collaboratively with other classmates Requires application of mathematical concepts and analysis of solutions to mathematical problems Allows the teacher to see if students can solve the problem independently Assignments are due via on the specified due date before 11:30pm Counts twice as a test grade
Classwork/Homework Penalties 1 (A-Day or B-Day) late: Maximum grade of 71 2 (A-Days/B-Days) late: Maximum grade of 61 3 or more (A-Days/B-Days) late: Automatic grade of 0 Work in pen: Automatic grade of 1 After the tardy bell rings: Maximum grade of 81
Project Penalties ed 24 hours after 11:30pm of due date: Maximum grade of 71 ed 48 hours after 11:30pm of due date: Maximum grade of 61 ed 72 hours or more after 11:30pm of due date: Automatic grade of 51
Minor Tests (Quizzes) Minor tests allows students to show mastery on a particular concept over a few days to a week Hand-written notes may be used Counts one time as a test grade Timed up to at most 25 minutes Calculators allowed
Major Tests Major tests allows students to show mastery on a particular unit Notes may not be used at all Counts three times as a test grade Timed up to at most 45 minutes 7 multiple choice questions and 3 free response questions Formulas are provided at teacher’s discretion Calculators allowed
Retake on Tests Students are allowed to retake a quiz or unit test if they do not get 70% or higher If the retest grade is higher than the first attempt, then the grade is replaced. If first you don’t succeed, then try again. Retests can only be taken on the Thursday of the 3 rd and 7 th week of the marking period.
Make-Up Work 1 day to complete and submit work for each day missed from class Classwork/Homework penalties apply if work is not submitted on time Assigned work that was missed due to an (excused) absence
Alternate Assignment (Zero Grade Make-Up) It is due on the specified due date It replaces two DAILY grade zeros up to 50 Assigned work that is issued twice throughout the grading period
Academic Dishonesty Copying another student’s work Plagiarism Unauthorized communication during any from of a test Automatic 0 on the assignment No retest or redo will be allowed Parents will be notified of offense.
Progress Reports Given twice during each grading period at teacher’s discretion Must be signed and dated by you and the parent/guardian 5 extra credit points will be towards the test grade
Tutoring Schedule and Expectations Tuesday through Friday Mornings: 6:45am – 7:15am Schedule is based on teacher availability due to meetings and other duties assigned. You must have a tutoring pass in order to receive tutoring. A minimum of 4 hours are needed to be considered for extra credit. Monday and Wednesday Afternoons: 3:15pm – 4:30pm 10 extra credits points averaged towards the daily grade.
Question and Answer Session