COSMO-SKYMED AND RADARSAT-2 JOINT ANALYSIS AND MODELING FOR THE EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL DEFORMATIONS CAUSED BY THE LARGE MASS MOVEMENTS SURROUNDING THE FIASTRA LAKE DAM Matteo Albano 1, Christian Bignami 1, Roberto Devoti 1, Fabrizio Lombardini 2, Marco Moro 1, Marco Polcari 1, Sergey Samsonov 3, Michele Saroli 4, Salvatore Stramondo 1, Federico Viviani
Outline Study Area & Previous work Deep-seated Gravitational Slope Deformation Dataset SAR velocity maps GPS & Corner Reflectors installation SAR Tomography 4D Conclusions
Study area The rectangle shows the area of Frascare Mountain, in central Apennines at the top of the Sibillini Mountain thrust next to the Lower Lias–Upper Eocene calcareous formations. It contain Oligocene marls that formed during the Tortonian–Lower Pliocene compressive tectonic phase
Deep-seated Gravitational Slope Deformation (DGSD) characteristics Involved mass volume (of about hundreds km3); Width and length extension (few kilometers); Thickness (from about 60 m up to hundreds of meters); Movement rates (from few millimeters per year up to few centimeters per year); The mechanical and dynamic behaviour is affected by gravitational creep phenomena.
DGSD typology Sackung or rock flow Sliding planes are not always recognizable Lateral spread It is due to rocks with a fragile behavior superimposed on a more plastic bedrock Block slide Sliding planes (preexistent or new) are well defined
Morphological characteristics Visible from local survey or (better) from aerial photo (stereo) Double ridges Linear and bent depressions (natural trenches) Scarps and counterscarps Bulging lower slopes
Photogeological analysis allowed to identify different morphological features that indicated DGSDs, such as double crest lines, scarps, counterslope scarps, slope-parallel trenches, fractures, open fissures and small depressions that were linearly aligned to the NE. Podalla DGSD has been assigned to sackung “category”, moving towards NW and controlled by NE-striking. In addition it is characterized by a NW-dipping sliding plane up to approximately 500–600 m depth and there evolving in a shear zone. The top of the sackung is limited by the presence of arcuated trenches. LEGEND 1) slope waste deposits; 2) slides; 3) flows; 4) rock falls; 5) DGSD upper limit; 6) strata attitude; 7) normal faults and thrusts; 8) tectonized zones; 9) main edges of structural scarps; 10) trenches; 11) structurally conditioned downcutting stream.
Trenches near the top of Mt. Frascare. Greater trenches are mainly occupied by debris and vegetation. However, small recent trenches (on the right) are less open, not filled by debris, and do not contain vegetation. Fresh crack widening up to a few cm per year. The crack has opened more than 0.5 m. On field evidences
Previous studies DInSAR SBAS (Small BAseline Subset) technique applied to measure movement rate for selected test areas. The selected test areas were previously identified by both aerial photos and using 32 ERS radar images spanning More than 15 cm of surface displacement along satellite LoS (Line of Sight) occurred across the Podalla DGSD. The displacement time series showed non- linear deformation rates, including accelerated movement correlated with strong rainfall. The highest deformation rates occurred at very fresh-looking extensional fractures occurred in the Upper Trench zone.
Available sataset COSMO-SkyMed (CSK) and Radarsat-2 (R2) images CSK dataset is composed by 23 SLC images -> November 2010 to December 2013, desc. orbit R2 dataset, it consisted of 36 Standard -3 (S3) images -> January 2009 and April 2013, asc. orbit CSK processed by IPTA Multi-baseline approach R2 processed by SBAS approach
CSK results 30 interferograms generated Max baseline: spatial 200 m, temporal 400 days Topo phase removed by Tin-Italy DEM (10 m pixel resolution) 2.8 mm/yr max velocity detected in LoS Bottom part of DGSD is moving (??) No coherent points from the upper part of DGSD to be more confident about the results Further analysis will focus on the exploitation of CR for better constraining the deformation trend
R2 results 50 interferograms generated Max baseline: spatial 200 m, temporal 400 days (Please check and edit, can you add a time/space plot of interf.??) Topo phase removed by ASTER DEM (30 m pixel resolution) Mm/yr or cm/yr ??? R2 velocity LoS indicates stability of the DGSD Or very low rate non detectable with C-band sensors???? Other comments????
GPS and CR installation Installation campaign on December 10 & 11, CR installed: designed to match an X-band SAR sensor -> trihedral shape type, in perforated aluminium, and elevation pointing capability, with a side length of 60 cm 2 GPS receivers to have independent measurements (few meters far from the CRs) Integrated Geodetic Station (IGS)
First GPS outcomes Observation period: Dec. 10, 2014 to June 24, 2015 The distance between the two GPS stations is decreasing at a rate of mm/yr (to be confirmed after a full annual cycle). Deformation may be triggered (or modulated) by heavy rain Acknowledgements: Rainfall data supplied by : Regione Marche, Dip. Politiche Integrate di Sicurezza e per la Protezione Civile GPS data of station CAM1 supplied by : NetGeo, Topcon Positioning Italy S.r.l. Time series of the baseline between Fiastra-Top vs.-Bottom station
First GPS outcomes cont.d Time series of the baseline between the two Fiastra stations, Top (FIAA) and Bottom (FIAB) w.r.t. CAM1 station (at km distance) Both baselines are increasing with time, but at different rates The FIAA station seems more influenced by rainfall events Root-mean-squared (RMS) of residuals ~ 3mm
SAR 4D Tomography 4D Differential Tomography: 3D + time Synergically integrate the DinSAR and the 3D SAR Tomography concepts
Conclusions X- and C-band data exploited to study Deep-seated Gravitational Slope Deformations (DGSD) ASI-CSA Joint Project CSK results….tbd R2 results …tbd Preliminary GPS data ….and CR…. Future work 4D tomography CR deformation analysis (new data acquisition is planned) Update GPS time series