Chapter 3 zFederal Income Tax Calculation zIntroduction - Overview: computations (Tax formula and Tax Return) and concepts of course zStandard deduction amounts, exemptions amounts, filing status, tax rates, tax tables
Federal income tax formula z Chap 1: intro to formula z Chap 3: intro to components z Rest of chaps (course): components in depth
Tax Formula- Components Overview zexclusions (exh 3-1) zgross income (exh 3-2) (1040 p.1) - section 61, not unrealized zdeductions for AGI (above the line) (1040 p.1) zFrom AGI (below the line): either itemized deduction (exh 3-3) (1040 schedule A), personal and production of income, various limits
zOr standard deduction (=S.D.)(and additional standard deductions) zS.D. - Claimed as exemption - Individual claimed as a dependent on another’s return; e.g., student, elderly parent - standard deduction limit: greater of (1) 850 or (2) earned income (max=standard deduction for filing status) +300
Exemptions prior to 2005 zExemption: dependent cannot claim self zExemptions - personal - t/p and spouse zdependent - 5 tests z1) support: >1/2, not scholarship, not unexpended; can be capital expenditures, multiple support, divorced - Form 8332 by custodial z2) relationship: list or member of household
z3) GI test: <dependency exemption amount – Exceptions: children of T/P z4) joint return: no joint return unless neither required to file and for refund z5) citizen or resident zphase out=[(AGI - threshold)/2500] x 2% x #exemptions x exemption amount
Tax determination zTax table v. tax rate schedule zterms: statutory, marginal, progressive, effective zw/h and estimated payments zLTCG rate - see separate info
Tax determination ( continued) zkiddie tax (<18) and net unearned income=unearned income minus 800 statutory amount minus standard deduction (800 or itemized directly connected)
z Form child’s z Form parent’s
Filing Requirements (chart) zThresholds, dependents (special), S/E, refund, EIC forms zwhen and where - 4/15, service center, 4 mo & 6 mo extensions
Filing status z single z MFJ z h of h z MFS
Gains and Losses zRealization v. recognition zAR - AB = G or L zCapital asset - section 1221: not a capital asset zLT, ST, netting, MT zcapital loss limit - individuals, corps zPlanning
Child Tax Credit z1000 per child thru 2010, then 500 (04 law) zQualifying child under 17 (dependent) zPhaseout - Single , MFJ MFS or hoh , using modified AGI, 50/1000
Elimination of Exemptions Phase-out - EGTTRA ‘01 zCurrent Phase Out Reduced y2006 – 20071/3 y2008 – /3 y2010 & after100%
Exemptions-after 2004 (04 Law) zQualifying child meets relationship, support, and income tests (except for self supporting) zQualifying relatives yAs previously under code yInclude any member of household
Qualifying Child (cont’d) zSon/daughter, stepson/daughter zBrother or sister, step brother/sister zHalf brother/sister zDescendent of above (grandchildren, nephews, nieces) zAdopted & foster ok
Qualifying child (cont’d) z> ½ yr prin place of abode with t/p zUnder 19 or under 24 f/t student