Introduction What kind of decisions are you making in your life? The decisions you have made in the past affect who you are today along with influencing your family & friends for good or bad. We can’t change what we have done but we can learn from the failures of men and women in the Bible and apply it to our lives (Romans 15:4). Even the godliest men and women made bad choices and God doesn’t cover it up but has left it for our admonition (2 Tim. 3:16-17). Let us examine and learn from some life changing decisions realizing we will all have to give account unto God (2 Cor. 13:5; 5:10).
Your Decisions About God & Sin Affect Yourself & Others But some may say, “I have a right to do what I want with my mind and my body”. No, we were all created by God in His image to glorify Him (Gen. 1:27; 1 Cor. 6:19-20; 10:31). What happens to those who reject the evidence of God’s creation for evolution (Rom. 1:18-20)? A depraved mind leads people to dishonor their A depraved mind leads people to dishonor their bodies and a perverted lifestyle (Rom. 1:21ff). It not only leads to their condemnation but also those that they influence for evil (Rom. 1:32). We are a nation built upon Biblical principles and most believe in God. Why are we wicked then?
Your Decisions About God & Sin Affect Yourself & Others Others have been taught by denominations and believe that we are born sinners and therefore can’t help what they do. The consequence of that belief would be that I’m not responsible for my sins therefore I can do what I want with impunity (Ps. 10:13; Ezek. 18:20). When people are deceived by error, they generally are going to rationalize or justify their actions and teach it to others. But you may say, “That won’t happen to me since I am a Christian”. “Let him who thinks he stands take heed that he does not fall” (1 Cor. 10:12).
Your Decisions About God & Sin Affect Yourself & Others Achan coveted and stole a garment from Jericho which was banned by God (Josh 6:17-18; 7:1). There is a direct correlation between his sin and 36 soldiers dying in battle (7:5, 11). Joshua and all the people are distraught (7:5b-6). When you sin, whether it is stealing or another sin it can affect the whole congregation (1 Cor. 5:6). If one person suggests that we use the Lord’s treasury for unscriptural things like food, fun & frolic and we decide to practice it without the Lord’s authority (Rom. 14:17; 1 Cor. 11:22, 34), it can lead down the road to apostasy unless there is repentance (Rev. 3:19).
Your Decision About Lust and Adultery affects Yourself & Others Jesus warns about lust in Matthew 5: But someone says, “no one gets hurt if I lust for someone in my heart.” How many people got hurt because King David lusted in his heart for Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11)? He hurt himself and Bathsheba by committing adultery with her (11:4) and the baby that was conceived in sin dies (12:14). David has Uriah (Bathsheba’s husband) murdered & corrupts Joab to carry out his evil plan (11:14ff). It gave occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme (12:14).
Your Decision About Lust and Adultery affects Yourself & Others The sword would never depart from his family. (2 Samuel 12:10) David’s son Amnon rapes Tamar (13:14) David’s son Absalom kills Amnon in revenge 2 years later (13:22ff) Absalom conspires to take David’s throne (15:10ff). Absalom commits sexual immorality with David’s concubines before all Israel (16:21-22). Absalom dies along with 20,000 Israelites (18:7, 14). David’s son Adonijah also tries to take away his throne but is thwarted (1 Kings 1:5; 43ff).
Your Decision About Lust and Adultery affects Yourself & Others The life changing consequences of David’s lusting and committing adultery with Bathsheba affected many people and it will with us also. When a young boy/man lusts after a girl/woman and she gives in to the temptation to commit sin with him, others will be affected also. If she is pregnant, she may be tempted to abort it so that her parents don’t find out or her husband. If she decides to have the baby, will she keep the baby or give it up for adoption? If he knows, the father is going to feel pressure to marry, persuade her to get an abortion, or cover it up so that his parents or wife won’t know.
Your Decision About Lust and Adultery affects Yourself & Others With the fornicators there will be the fear of STD’s as many are carriers without knowing it. There will likely be guilt, shame, and humiliation to realize you disappointed your parents, friends, brethren, and especially your Lord. The one who aborted their child will have to deal with the guilt of murdering their child and godly parents may feel like failures. If the children are Christians there will likely be reproach on the church in the community and it may lead to division in the church (1 Cor. 5:1ff). Without repentance, a pattern may be established for failure in marriage and adultery (2 Tim. 3:13)
Overcoming Lust and Adultery Women- dress modestly & realize the danger of being a stumbling block to others. (1 Timothy 2:9; Luke 17:1-2) Men- make a covenant with your eyes not to gaze upon immodestly dressed women (internet, movies, magazines, commercials, beach, etc.) (Job 31:1) Treasure God’s word in your heart so that you won’t sin against God (Ps. 119:9-11). You will have peace, security, and joy knowing that you were faithful to the Lord and have set a pattern for your children and others of true lasting love with your spouse. (Proverbs 1:7-9; 5:15-20; Ephesians 6:1-4)
Conclusion The Bible shows us the danger of seemingly harmless and victimless sins with Achan and David and how it affected a multitude of people. You may say that I can’t help it or what I have done is nothing compared to them. We have all decided to sin whether by omission or commission (James 1:13-16; 4:17). You will not be able to hide your sins from God as you will reap what you have sown. (1 Timothy 5:24-25; Galatians 6:7-8) But you can make a life changing decision today by obeying the gospel to have all your sins washed away and be free from guilt (Acts 22:16) or be restored back to faithful service again (Acts 8:22)