Super Awesome Animal Video Quiz time (This is not proper English)
Video Video 1
(1:50) How long can the inland Taipan wait between meals? A) hours B) days C) weeks D)months A) hours B) days C) weeks D)months
(3:30)How many men (or women) can the inland Taipan kill with one bite? A) 200,000 B) 250,000 C) 255,000 D) 245,000 A) 200,000 B) 250,000 C) 255,000 D) 245,000
(3:30) The venom has paralyzing components, what does this mean? A) Partly or completely unable to move B) It makes you dance C) You will die of a heat attack D) All of the above A) Partly or completely unable to move B) It makes you dance C) You will die of a heat attack D) All of the above
(14:20) ants that scavenge and harvest use what method primarily to get food? A) Being Independent (working alone) B) Mind reading C) sheer numbers (working together) D) Telling other ants to do the work for them A) Being Independent (working alone) B) Mind reading C) sheer numbers (working together) D) Telling other ants to do the work for them
Video 2
(2:10) When does most lion activity occur? A) During sunrise B) During sunset C) During the day D) During the night A) During sunrise B) During sunset C) During the day D) During the night
What is the main reason for this? A) They don’t feel pretty so they want to stay in the dark B) They want to stay cool at night C) To improve the likelihood of successful hunts as they have better night vision than their prey D) They smell better at night, so they can follow their prey more easily A) They don’t feel pretty so they want to stay in the dark B) They want to stay cool at night C) To improve the likelihood of successful hunts as they have better night vision than their prey D) They smell better at night, so they can follow their prey more easily
(5:15) What is a thermal imaging camera? A ) Detects heat ( used to see heat from animals bodies) B) Releases heat to see animals C) A camera that can only be used when the moon is out D) A cheap camera A ) Detects heat ( used to see heat from animals bodies) B) Releases heat to see animals C) A camera that can only be used when the moon is out D) A cheap camera
Which of these animals uses thermal senses (like the camera)? A) Lion B) Bat C) Rat D) Rattlesnake A) Lion B) Bat C) Rat D) Rattlesnake
(8:25) When does sound (that animals make) travel best? A) During the day when the air is warm B) At night due to cool dense (heavy) air C) At sunrise when the air is a little cool D) At sunset when the air is a little warm A) During the day when the air is warm B) At night due to cool dense (heavy) air C) At sunrise when the air is a little cool D) At sunset when the air is a little warm
Video 3 5l2QkUE 5l2QkUE Video 3 5l2QkUE 5l2QkUE
(2:05) The greatest proliferation (growth) and diversity (difference) of life on the Earth occurs in the tropical rainforest, this is because it is: A) Warm and wet B) Dry and cold C) Hot and then cold D) Sunny A) Warm and wet B) Dry and cold C) Hot and then cold D) Sunny
(4:30) The Kapok tree is the tallest tree in this jungle that grows to over 200 feet high. What is the benefit for the tree being so tall? A) It can cast shadows on the tree below them, killing the competition B) It has access to more sunlight (for energy) and wind to disperse (spread) its fluffy seeds C) It is too dangerous to cut down a big tree so humans leave it alone D) lots of animals live in it which protect it A) It can cast shadows on the tree below them, killing the competition B) It has access to more sunlight (for energy) and wind to disperse (spread) its fluffy seeds C) It is too dangerous to cut down a big tree so humans leave it alone D) lots of animals live in it which protect it
Video 4 HyE1JrIvzA HyE1JrIvzA Video 4 HyE1JrIvzA HyE1JrIvzA
. 26:00 - cool clip of leaf cutter ants eating a plant at the same rate as a single cow!
(32:00) Why do the fire ants build an impressive raft from their own bodies? A) To survive frequent (often) flooding’s of the amazon rainforest B) They feel lonely so they like to cuddle together C) They use this as a method of transportation to get from one place to another D) There is not enough space on land so they live on the water A) To survive frequent (often) flooding’s of the amazon rainforest B) They feel lonely so they like to cuddle together C) They use this as a method of transportation to get from one place to another D) There is not enough space on land so they live on the water
Do the ants at the bottom die? If not how do they breathe? A) Yes, they die for the greater good of the colony (group of insects) B) No, they breathe through the water C) No, the ants on top give them air to breathe D) No, they trap a layer of air around their body A) Yes, they die for the greater good of the colony (group of insects) B) No, they breathe through the water C) No, the ants on top give them air to breathe D) No, they trap a layer of air around their body
(49:40) Why are ants important? A) They fertilize the soil by lifting nutrients from underground B) They encourage plants to grow C) They increase the diversity (different number) of animals around them D) All of the above A) They fertilize the soil by lifting nutrients from underground B) They encourage plants to grow C) They increase the diversity (different number) of animals around them D) All of the above
Why are eusocial (social- grouped) insects important? A) We wouldn’t be able to grow enough food without them B) They teach us to be social (friendly with others) C) They help make lots of pretty flowers D) They help flowering plants reproduce (grow new plants) E) A and D A) We wouldn’t be able to grow enough food without them B) They teach us to be social (friendly with others) C) They help make lots of pretty flowers D) They help flowering plants reproduce (grow new plants) E) A and D
Now for some riddles
Let’s test your critical thinking! 1. What can you catch but not throw? 2. What belongs to you but others use it more than you do? 3. What is full of holes, but can still hold a lot of water? 4. The more you have of me, the less you see. Who am I? 5. Why can't a man living in New York be buried in Chicago? 6. If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven't got me. What am I? 1. What can you catch but not throw? 2. What belongs to you but others use it more than you do? 3. What is full of holes, but can still hold a lot of water? 4. The more you have of me, the less you see. Who am I? 5. Why can't a man living in New York be buried in Chicago? 6. If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven't got me. What am I?