UNIDO- key facts Established in 1966 & UN Specialized Agency since 1986 Lead role within UN system on industrial development 172 Member States Constitutional mandate to promote sustainable industrial development in developing countries and countries in transition Focus on technical cooperation: policy advice, institutional capacity-building and business development services
UNIDO- Service Modules Industrial Governance and Statistics Investment and Technology Promotion Industrial Competitiveness and Trade Private Sector Development Agro-Industry Sustainable Energy and Climate Change Montreal Protocol Environment Management
3 UNIDO’s Field Operation Network
UNIDO’s Field Operation Network (cont’d) Network of Cleaner Production Centres and Programmes
Refurbished Computer Programme Objectives: Affordable quality computer access for SMEs, especially in SSA Extend the life time of PCs Pilot & promote sustainable pro-poor business models Approach: Local computer refurbishment centre of excellence Sustainable business model rather than donations Stringent quality criteria Environmentally sound disposal Successful proof of concept: First PC refurbishment centre of excellence fully operational in Kampala, Uganda – launched in June 2008 and implemented in the framework of a PPP in cooperation with Microsoft First e-waste study ever formulated for Uganda
Refurbished Computer Programme (cont’d) A replicable methodology for responsible local PC refurbishment: