Behind The Scenes Of Coffee Roasting By: Lexi Cassidy, Audrey Kearns & Baylee Tveidt
what is the reason for our interest in this area? We thought that it would be interesting to look into coffee roasting because it is such an intricate process What is the meaning of PM 2.5 Tiny Particles in the air that reduce visibility and cause the air to appear hazy when levels are elevated. Particulate matter of 2.5 or less are also easily breathed in and may pose a health risk. What is the air that causes PM 2.5 ? What are the sources? There are outdoor and indoor sources of fine particles. Outside, fine particles primarily come from car, truck, bus and off-road vehicle (e.g., construction equipment, snowmobile, locomotive) exhausts, other operations that involve the burning of fuels such as wood, heating oil or coal and natural sources such as forest and grass fires. Fine particles also form from the reaction of gases or droplets in the atmosphere from sources such as power plants. fine particles can be carried long distances from their source, events such as wildfires or volcanic eruptions can raise fine particle concentrations hundreds of miles from the event. PM2.5 is also produced by common indoor activities. Some indoor sources of fine particles are tobacco smoke, cooking (e.g., frying, sautéing, and broiling), burning candles or oil lamps, and operating fireplaces and fuel-burning space heaters (e.g., kerosene heaters). Describe the size of a PM 2.5 particle? 2 and 1 half microns or less in width There are microns in an inch What is the EPA limit for 2.5? .035 for 24 hours What percent of time do we spend indoors? 90%
Transforms the chemical and physical properties of green coffee beans. When roasted, the green coffee bean expands to nearly double its original size changes its color, taste, smell and density.
Carbohydrates and fats turn into aromatic oils Burns off moisture and carbon dioxide Breaks down and builds up acids unlocking the characteristic coffee flavor.
-Coffee Traders -National EPA Standard 24 Hours
Roasting coffee, even in an environment with ventilation and fans, is highly dangerous for exceeded amounts of time. Wearing a mask can reduce the amount of exposure to poor air quality during coffee roasting.