BepiColombo Data Handling and the Science Archive Based on the presentation in Bepi-SWT #1 in April 2005 ESTEC) [J. Zender (ESTEC), Y. Kasaba (ISAS)] Y. Kasaba (JAXA)
Baseline Working archive design for the benefit of PIs and the whole of the BC teams –Define common data formats (ex. CDF, HDF, FITS) to be used in the BC project –Long-term Science Archive is based on the PSA/JAXA standard (based/derived on today's PDS Standard)
Data Processing Concept Data Processing Levels L1a: Telemetry Packets L1b: formatted data, but uncalibrated L2: calibrated data L3: derived, higher-level data L1b Data CAL Info L2 Data L2 Processing L1b Processing L1a Data Long-term Dataset Preparation DOC, CAL, DATA, AUX L1b Dataset L2 Dataset Working Archive (WA)* Long-term Science Archive (LTA) * Level 3 data processing not taken into account Working Archive: used inside the PI team simple and common definition to reduce data production efforts reduce complexity of data exchange Long-term Science Archive: used by the scientific community in large aimed for long-term data preservation will be copied from the working archive by ESA/JAXA, adding meta- information and documentation with support from PI teams TLM Non-calibrated Calibrated
Data Flow Overview L1b Data CAL Info L2 Data L2 Processing L1b Processing L1a Data WA 0 L1b Data CAL Info L2 Data L2 Processing L1b Processing L1a Data WA n Quicklook MMO/MPO OOOOOO MMO MPO* working archive science archive MMO MPO* L1b Data CAL Info L2 Data L2 Processing L1b Processing L1a Data WA 0 L1b Data CAL Info L2 Data L2 Processing L1b Processing L1a Data WA n Quicklook MPO/MMO OOOOOO MPO MMO* working archive science archive MPO MMO* World-wide scientific community BC PL team access (PI controlled, restricted access) MMO MPO JAXA/BepiColombo Project JAXA Unified Archive (DARTS) (mirror)
JAXA: DARTS system -- Unified data archive for all scientific missions Latest project: Suzaku (X-ray astrophysics), Akari (IR Astronomy), Reimei (Auroral physics), and Solar-B (Solar physics).
Schedule Thoughts (updated with new launch schedule) Working archive design to start mid 2007 It will be presented at MMO-PDR in JAXA ( E) Discussion on common data format and decision 2008 Current plan for MMO Plasma data sets: File format : CDF ? Archiving : quasi-PDS ? (or future standard) Discussion on future auxiliary data support (e.g. SPICE) 2009 Working archive implementation to start mid 2010 Working archive infrastructure ready at FM tests 2011 It will be tested associated with FM test in ESA & JAXA. Long-term Science Archive infrastructure ready at launch2013