Chapter 20 1 Overall Objectives of Model Predictive Control 1.Prevent violations of input and output constraints. 2.Drive some output variables to their optimal set points, while maintaining other outputs within specified ranges. 3.Prevent excessive movement of the input variables. 4.If a sensor or actuator is not available, control as much of the process as possible.
Chapter 20 2 Model Predictive Control: Basic Concepts 1.Future values of output variables are predicted using a dynamic model of the process and current measurements. Unlike time delay compensation methods, the predictions are made for more than one time delay ahead. 2.The control calculations are based on both future predictions and current measurements. 3.The manipulated variables, u(k), at the k-th sampling instant are calculated so that they minimize an objective function, J. Example: Minimize the sum of the squares of the deviations between predicted future outputs and specific reference trajectory. The reference trajectory is based on set points calculated using RTO. 4.Inequality & equality constraints, and measured disturbances are included in the control calculations. 5.The calculated manipulated variables are implemented as set point for lower level control loops. (cf. cascade control).
Chapter 20 3 Model Predictive Control: Calculations 1.At the k-th sampling instant, the values of the manipulated variables, u, at the next M sampling instants, {u(k), u(k+1), …, u(k+M -1)} are calculated. This set of M “control moves” is calculated so as to minimize the predicted deviations from the reference trajectory over the next P sampling instants while satisfying the constraints. Typically, an LP or QP problem is solved at each sampling instant. Terminology: M = control horizon, P = prediction horizon 2.Then the first “control move”, u(k), is implemented. 3.At the next sampling instant, k+1, the M-step control policy is re-calculated for the next M sampling instants, k+1 to k+M, and implement the first control move, u(k+1). 4.Then Steps 1 and 2 are repeated for subsequent sampling instants. Note: This approach is an example of a receding horizon approach.
Chapter 20 4 Figure 20.2 Basic concept for Model Predictive Control
Chapter 20 5 When Should Predictive Control be Used? 1.Processes are difficult to control with standard PID algorithm (e.g., large time constants, substantial time delays, inverse response, etc. 2.There is significant process interactions between u and y. i.e., more than one manipulated variable has a significant effect on an important process variable. 3.Constraints (limits) on process variables and manipulated variables are important for normal control. Terminology: y ↔ CV, u ↔ MV, d ↔ DV
Chapter 20 6 Model Predictive Control Originated in 1980s Techniques developed by industry: 1.Dynamic Matrix Control (DMC) Shell Development Co.: Cutler and Ramaker (1980), Cutler later formed DMC, Inc. DMC acquired by Aspentech in Model Algorithmic Control (MAC) ADERSA/GERBIOS, Richalet et al. (1978) in France. Over 5000 applications of MPC since 1980 Reference: Qin and Badgwell, 1998 and 2003).
Chapter 20 7 Dynamic Models for Model Predictive Control Could be either: 1.Physical or empirical (but usually empirical) 2.Linear or nonlinear (but usually linear) Typical linear models used in MPC: 1.Step response models 2.Transfer function models 3.State-space models Note: Can convert one type of linear model (above) to the other types.
Chapter 20 8 Discrete Step Response Models Consider a single input, single output process: where u and y are deviation variables (i.e., deviations from nominal steady-state values).
Chapter 20 9 Prediction for SISO Models: Example: Step response model S i = the i-th step response coefficient N = an integer (the model horizon) y 0 = initial value at k=0 Figure Unit Step Response
Chapter Prediction for SISO Models: Example: Step response model If y 0 =0, this one-step-ahead prediction can be obtained from Eq. (20-1) by replacing y(k+1) with Equation (20-6) can be expanded as:
Chapter Prediction for SISO Models: (continued) Define the predicted unforced response as: and can write Eq. (20-10) as: Similarly, the j-th step ahead prediction is Eq :
Chapter Vector Notation for Predictions Define the predicted unforced response as: Define vectors: The model predictions in Eq. (20-12) can be written as:
Chapter Dynamic Matrix Model where S is the P x M dynamic matrix: The model predictions in Eq. (20-12) can be written as:
Chapter Bias Correction Similarly, adding this bias correction to each prediction in (20-19) gives: The model predictions can be corrected by utilizing the latest measurement, y(k). The corrected prediction is defined to be:
Chapter EXAMPLE 20.4 The benefits of using corrected predictions will be illustrated by a simple example, the first-order plus-time-delay model of Example 20.1: Assume that the disturbance transfer function is identical to the process transfer function, G d (s)=G p (s). A unit step change in u occurs at time t=2 min and a step disturbance, d=0.15, occurs at t=8 min. The sampling period is t= 1 min. (a) Compare the process response y(k) with the predictions that were made 15 steps earlier based on a step response model with N=80. Consider both the corrected prediction (b) Repeat part (a) for the situation where the step response coefficients are calculated using an incorrect model:
Chapter Figure 20.6 Without model error.
Chapter Figure 20.7 With model error.
Chapter Figure Input blocking.
Chapter Reference Trajectory for MPC Reference Trajectory A reference trajectory can be used to make a gradual transition to the desired set point. The reference trajectory Y r can be specified in several different ways. Let the reference trajectory over the prediction horizon P be denoted as: where Y r is an mP vector where m is the number of outputs. Exponential Trajectory from y(k) to y sp (k) A reasonable approach for the i-th output is to use: y i,r (k+j) = (a i ) j y i (k) + [1 - (a i ) j ] y i,sp (k) (20-48) for i=1,2,…, m and j=1, 2, …, P.
Chapter MPC Control Calculations The control calculations are based on minimizing the predicted deviations between the reference trajectory. The predicted error is defined as: Note that all of the above vectors are of dimension, mP. The objective of the control calculations is to calculate the control policy for the next M time intervals:
Chapter MPC Performance Index The rM-dimensional vector U(k) is calculated so as to minimize: a. The predicted errors over the prediction horizon, P. b. The size of the control move over the control horizon, M. Example: Consider a quadratic performance index: where Q is a positive-definite weighting matrix and R is a positive semi-definite matrix. Both Q and R are usually diagonal matrices with positive diagonal elements. The weighting matrices are used to weight the most important outputs and inputs (cf. Section 20.6).
Chapter MPC Control Law: Unconstrained Case The MPC control law that minimizes the objective function in Eq. (20-54) can be calculated analytically, This control law can be written in a more compact form, where controller gain matrix K c is defined to be: Note that K c can be evaluated off-line, rather than on-line, provided that the dynamic matrix S and weighting matrices, Q and R, are constant. The calculation of K c requires the inversion of an rM x rM matrix where r is the number of input variables and M is the control horizon.
Chapter MPC Control Law: Receding Horizon Approach Note that the controller gain matrix, K c, is an rM x mP matrix. where: In the receding horizon control approach, only the first step of the M-step control policy, u(k), in (20-18) is implemented. MPC control law: where matrix K c1 is defined to be the first r rows of K c. Thus, K c1 has dimensions of r x mP..
Chapter Selection of Design Parameters Model predictive control techniques include a number of design parameters: N:model horizon t:sampling period P:prediction horizon (number of predictions) M:control horizon (number of control moves) Q:weighting matrix for predicted errors (Q > 0) R:weighting matrix for control moves (R > 0)
Chapter Selection of Design Parameters (continued) 1.N and t These parameters should be selected so that N t > open-loop settling time. Typical values of N: 30 < N < Prediction Horizon, P Increasing P results in less aggressive control action Set P = N + M 3.Control Horizon, M Increasing M makes the controller more aggressive and increases computational effort, typically: 5 < M < 20 4.Weighting matrices Q and R Diagonal matrices with largest elements corresponding to most important variables
Chapter Example 20.5: set-point responses
Chapter Example 20.5: disturbance responses