2001/3/30 1 X-ray Observation of Accretion Disk in AGN K. Hayashida (Osaka University)
2001/3/30 2 X-ray Observational Study of AGNs Spectrum Power Law Cold Absorber Iron Line Soft X-ray Excess Reflection Hump Warm Absorber Timing Image Outflow, starburst component etc. VSOP…Jet … Blazar
2001/3/30 3 Soft X-ray Excess Discovery Mkn509 (HEA1 A2 LED+MED), Singh et al., 1985, ApJ, 297, 633. Mkn841 (EXOSAT), Arnaud et al., 1985, MNRAS, 217, 105. Excess Soft X-ray Emission above Extrapolation of Power Law Spectrum determined at High Energy High Energy Tail of the UV-Bump ? Lower kT version of Soft (Disk) Component found in Stellar Black Hole Candidates kT~1keV for SBHC T ∝ M -1/4 MKN509 MKN841
2001/3/30 4 Disk Blackbody Spectra Total Disk (see Mitsuda et al., 1984)
2001/3/30 5 Correlation with the UV emission ROSAT Walter & Fink, 1993, A&A,274, 105 in Soft X- ray band (Soft Excess / Power (UV flux / 2keV Flux) in Soft X- ray band
2001/3/30 6 IUE / ROSAT / Ginga (Walter et al.,1994, A&A,285, 119) Model AModel B
2001/3/30 7 Spectral Shape (Cut-off energy) Model A Large Scatter in Ecut Model B Ecut ranges 40-80eV
2001/3/30 8 Origin of the Soft Excess Component Thermal Emission from (Optically Thick) Accretion Disk Inverse Compton Emission by Hot Corona, Cooled Pairs etc. Seed: UV photons from the Disk Reprocessing of Hard X-ray photons (Thin Thermal Emission)
2001/3/30 9 Soft X-ray Excess with ASCA NGC4051, Mihara et al PG , Yaqoob et al., NGC5506, Wang et al., C273, Cappi et al., 1998 Reynolds, Type1 AGNs (RQ+RL) ; Soft Excess in 7 objects Murakami, AGNs; Soft Excess (f0.5>0.1) was found in 9 objects BB kT~0.1keV or Brems~0.2keV
2001/3/30 10 Soft X-ray Excess (Murakami, 1997) Correlation with UV-flux fse(ASCA0.5keV) Correlates with fse(ROSAT keV). BB luminosity >Ledd More Sophisticated model is needed ? fse:Soft Excess Comp/ Power Law Comp at 0.5 keV
2001/3/30 11 Efficient Way to see the Soft Excess … Narrow Line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) Seyfert Type 1 whose Broad Emission Line Width is Narrow. (???)
2001/3/30 12 Boller et al., 1997 Common for NLS1 at Some Level X-ray Studies with ROSAT Prototype=IRAS Steep Soft X-ray Index =4.4±0.2 Rapid & Large Amplitude Variability
2001/3/30 13 ASCA … Spectrum Above 2keV Two Components Spectrum (e.g. Otani et al.1996) Soft Component ~BB kT= keV Hard Tail above 2 keV Hard PL Index Steeper ( >2) than BLS1 (Brandt et al., 1997) See Leighly, 1999.
2001/3/30 14 Statistical Properties Narrow H Width Steep Soft X-ray Spectrum Rapid / Large Ampl. X-ray Variability
2001/3/30 15 X-ray Spectrum of NLS1s ( ASCA)
2001/3/30 16 kT BB vs Soft Excess Ratio
2001/3/30 17 BB Fit ->Area->BH Size Hayashida , 2000, New Astronomy Review,44,419
2001/3/30 18 BB area size ->BH size = around Mo The soft component of NLS1s have simiar Emission Region Size & BB luminosity. The soft component of the BLS1s (if they have similar one) are difficult to be detected. Does the BB area really correspond to the central BH ?
2001/3/30 19 ASCA Light Curves of NLS1
2001/3/30 20 Lx vs M var ( BLSy1 / NLSy1) Cf Results from Excess Variance By Tuner et al.(1999) & Leighly (1999) BLS y1 NLSy1 NGC4151 Hayashida , 2000, New Astronomy Review,44,419
2001/3/30 21 H FWHM vs M var BLS1: Mo NLS1: Mo Hayashida , 2000, New Astronomy Review,44,419
2001/3/30 22 M BBfit (0.5Rs) vs M var for NLS1 Hayashida , 2000, New Astronomy Review,44,419
2001/3/30 23 Can we reconcile the Contradiction ? For M BBfit < Mvar Inclination Effect cos Factor … M BBfit gives under-estimate Tc > Te Effect M BBfit gives under-estimate, too. Hayashida , 2000, New Astronomy Review,44,419
2001/3/30 24 Accretion Disk ? If Soft Component is thermal emission from accretion disk, Observations of NLS1 provide important clue to theoretical work. e.g. Slim Disk Model (Mineshige et al. 2000, PASJ, 52, 499)
2001/3/30 25 Peculiar Spectral Feature around 1keV Otani et al (1996), Hayashida et al (1997), Leighly et al. (1997) c blue shifted absorption edge ? c blue shifted absorption line ? Emission line ?
2001/3/30 26 Chandra Observations of BLS 1 s (NGC3783, NGC5548) Narrow Absorption Lines from H-like or He-like ions of C, N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Si, Fe OVII, OVIII edge were NOT detected. (NGC5548) V(blueshift)~ km/s V(turb)~ km/s NGC5548(LETG;86ks)
2001/3/30 27 Reflection from Ionized Disk Model (Ross & Fabian, 1993, MNRAS,261, 74)
2001/3/30 28 Chandra / XMM Observation of Soft X-ray Excess in NLS1s Sensitive to Lower Energy Band Higher Energy Resolution with Gratings No Strong Absorption / Emission Features in the Soft X-ray Spectra of NLS1s TonS180 (Chandra) Tuner et al., PG1404(Chandra) Nandra et al., Mrk766(XMM)
2001/3/30 29 TonS180 ACIS/LETG Simlutaneous with ASCA and FUSE +HST (UV) Tuner et al., 2001, ApJ, 548, L13. No significant absorption feature Instrumental
2001/3/30 30 PG1404 (Chandra MEG) Nandra et al., 2001
2001/3/30 31 PG1404 (Chandra MEG) Nandra et al., 2001
2001/3/30 32 Sorry, No Time (Ability) to Cover Comparison with Disk Component in Stellar Black Hole Candidates X-ray Spectra of Super Eddington Sources in nearby galaxies Disk Component and Jet Component in micro quasars
2001/3/30 33 Soft X-ray Excess : Summary Soft X-ray Excess does exist Correlate with UV Enhanced in NLS1s Examination with Theoretical Accretion Disk Model is expected Correlation / Lag to UV, Hard X-ray would be examined.
2001/3/30 34 Fe K Fluorescence Line Discovery by ArielV , HEAO-1 Reflection Hump found by Ginga Interpreted with Reflection Model Line Broadening discovered by ASCA Disk Line Model
2001/3/30 35 Disk Line Model (e.g. Fabian, 2001, astroph )
2001/3/30 36 Seyferts Observed with ASCA Fabian 2001 (Nandra)
2001/3/30 37 Luminosity Dependence of the Line Intensity (Nandra et al., 1997, ApJ, 487, L91)
2001/3/30 38 XMM Observation of MCG Williams, Fabain 2001
2001/3/30 39 Disk Line Energy [keV] Line Intensity [phs/s/keV/cm^ 2 ] from Matsumoto MCG Tanaka et al., 1995, Nature, 375, 659 i=30deg, 6r g -40r g
2001/3/30 40 Alternative Model Line Emission region must be far away from several Rs Variability of Continuum / Line (Matsumoto, Inoue, 2000)
2001/3/30 41 Energy Variability Energy Flux Diskli ne model Energy Variability Energy Flux(Fobs) Alternative Interpretation PL Two warm absorbers to reproduce the σ(E) ξ≈ 50 ~ 100 (a dotted line) ξ≈ 500 ~ 1000 Variable Ionized Absorber (Matsumoto, Inoue, 2000)
2001/3/30 42 Chandra HEG Observation … Narrow Line Component NGC5548 (Yaqoob, et al.,2001,ApJ,546,759) Narrow Line keV FWHM=4515 ( )km/s *) does not rule out broad component
2001/3/30 43 Disk Lines of Other Elements ? Warm Absorber -> Disk (Emission) Line Brandaurdi-Raymont et al., 2001, A&A, 365, L140
2001/3/30 44 Chandra data can be fitted with Warm Absorber Model (Lee,2001, astroph )
2001/3/30 45 Disk Line or Fe-K Line Fe-K Line is found in most of Radio Quiet AGNs Eq. Width is anti-correlated with Lx Broad Line Width and Red Wing are found in several Seyferts, which usually are interpreted with Line emission from several Rs Little correlation between Line / Continuum is against the simple disk line model Narrow Line component may be taken into account
2001/3/30 46 What can we suggest to VSOP2? Disk Emission observed in X-rays … No apparent relation to Jet (VSOP ’ s Main Topic?) What discriminates Radio Loud / Radio Quiet AGNs ? Can VSOP(2) resolve accretion disk ? CAUTION: Ultimate Higher Angular Resolution will be obtained in X-rays
2001/3/30 47 MAXIM mission (X-ray Interferometer) 100 arcsec 0.3 arcsec From Also Note XMAS project in Japan
2001/3/30 48 Warm Absorber MCG Fabian et al., 1994 NGC4051 with Soft Excess Mihara et al.1994 NGC3783 with Emission Line George et al NGC4151 … Complex Weaver et al., 1994 IC4329A, MR2251, Mrk766, … logNw=21.8, =39 logNw=22.1, =45
2001/3/30 49 Origin of Warm Absorber Relation to the BLR Link to UV absorbers Dusty Warm Absorber (Molecular Torus)? (OVIII) anti-correlates with Fx (OVII) almost constant Only in RQ sources ?
2001/3/30 50 NGC3783 (Chandra MEG;56ks) Absorption line blue shift km/s Outside the BLR
2001/3/30 51 f P(f) Plot : NLS1 (ASCA)
2001/3/30 52 Lx vs Mvar (NLS1)
2001/3/30 53 H FWHM vs M var BLS1: Mo NLS1: Mo See also Leighly, 1999 Tuner et al., 1999
2001/3/30 54 Almost Forgotten or Not Yet Finished Continuum Spectrum Emission Mechanism Cold Absorber Due to Host Galaxies Advance with Chandra / Newton ? Soft / Hard Lag New Spectral Feature ? New Events ?
2001/3/30 55 Time Scale vs BH Mass