Who wants to be a millionaire????? 6 th Grade
What is a primary source? A source from the time period studied.
Who wants to be a millionaire????? 6 th Grade
What is a secondary source? A source written about a past time from STUDIES of that time.
Who wants to be a millionaire????? 6 th Grade
To dig up is to __________. Excavate.
Who wants to be a millionaire????? 6 th Grade
To make a choice is to make a ___________. DECISION
Who wants to be a millionaire????? 6 th Grade
The story of the past is _________. HISTORY
Who wants to be a millionaire????? 6 th Grade
The time before history was written down is called ________________. prehistory
Who wants to be a millionaire????? 6 th Grade
Tradition that is passed down by word of mouth is _____ ________. Oral tradition
Who wants to be a millionaire????? 6 th Grade
______ is the study of the remains of past cultures. archaeology
Who wants to be a millionaire????? 6 th Grade
An object made by someone in the past is an ___________. artifact
Who wants to be a millionaire????? 6 th Grade
To _____ is to judge the worth of something. evaluate
Who wants to be a millionaire????? 6 th Grade
Which of the following is an example of a primary source? A. Toys B. A book written last month A. Toys
Who wants to be a millionaire????? 6 th Grade
Many sources from the past have been ____ or _________. Lost or destroyed.
Who wants to be a millionaire????? 6 th Grade
How do architects see inside an artifact? X-rays
Who wants to be a millionaire????? 6 th Grade
The Iceman used crystals of sulfur and iron on black fungus to _______. Start fires.
Who wants to be a millionaire????? 6 th Grade
Beads of birch fungus were used to fight __________. disease
Who wants to be a millionaire????? 6 th Grade
They decided the Iceman was 35 or 40 by what? The wear on his teeth.
Who wants to be a millionaire????? 6 th Grade
Carbon 14 testing can tell _______. How old an object is.
Who wants to be a millionaire????? 6 th Grade
Europe’s highest mountain range is the ____________. Alps.
Who wants to be a millionaire????? 6 th Grade
The Iceman was found between the border of what two countries? Italy and Austria.
Who wants to be a millionaire????? 6 th Grade
Chapter 2 has been reviewed! May the Iceman be with you during your test !