1. Open OneDrive & Class Webpage 2. Open Early Rome. 3. Map Challenge 4. Read Early Rome Complete Save & Share 6. Download Geography and Economy of Ancient Rome 7. Answer & Share
Map challenge What is the name of the mountain range that lies northeast of the city of Rome? What are the names of the three rivers in Italy? 5. What is the name of the large island that lies near the southern tip of Italy?
6. What is the name of the sea along Italy’s east coast? 7. What European country lies to the far northwest of Italy? Besides Sicily islands is a part of Italy? Which countries touch its northern border? 15. Which mountains touch it’s northern border?
Which seas surround Italy? 20. What type land form is Italy?
1. Open OneDrive & Class Webpage 2. Open Early Rome. 3. Complete Save & Share 4. Open New Document Video Notes r/view/assetGuid/FF98EA7C-A89F- 475D-BC90-15A7B6A r/view/assetGuid/FF98EA7C-A89F- 475D-BC90-15A7B6A P. 174 to Download “Rome Becomes a Republic”
Ancient Greek Philosophy Greek Mythology Rome: The Early Republic Spartan Warriors Alexander the Great Rise of the Roman Empire Peru’s Mummies