Walking Free
Doesn't step back And catch it…
Yeah, but I ain't happy about it…
Intransigent and angry…
Brokenness and scars
Jesus died because of our brokenness Jesus died for our brokenness
Church= his idea
Church= his idea Engage…to heal, restore, make whole
Problem= Engage… Shaped by People-pleasing Rather than transformed By God's Spirit
How do we change without falling into Self-effort and People-pleasing?
“To what then shall I compare the people of this generation? They are like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling to one another…
“‘We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not weep.’
Dance for us! Weep for us! Be what we want you to be!
For John the Baptist has come eating no bread and drinking no wine, and you say, ‘He has a demon’ For John the Baptist has come eating no bread and drinking no wine, and you say, ‘He has a demon’
The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Look at him! A glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’
Yet wisdom is justified by her children” - Luke 7:31-35
"I won't be what you want me to be. So you aren't going to be happy with me. But just watch the outcome of my life" - Jesus
"Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world But be transformed By the renewing of your mind" - Romans 12:2
Who do you know with those same standards?
Who do you know with those same standards? (If you can't name anyone… it might be you!)
"Accountability is not about calling people out on their stuff. It's about calling people up to their real identity"- Graham Cooke
Responses to the Conformists: - Keep trying to become what They want you to be
Responses: - Keep trying to become what They want you to be And live in the prison of my own making (I won't be happy and it'll never be enough…)
Responses: - Cut people out
Responses: - Cut people out And miss the blessing Of engaging them for their own good
Responses: - "Forget 'em all!" Is a lie I tell myself While I feel alone
We were made to care About what people say - It helps me grow - Checks my Six - Keeps me from becoming a psychopath
How do I balance? Being engaged Without being manipulated
Jesus Lived life on purpose Without being swayed By the manipulation of people
Jesus says, You want us to dance Or mourn To be your puppets Very next thing…
Pharisee Sinful woman Oil of Nard
“If this man were a prophet, he would have known who and what sort of woman this is who is touching him, for she is a sinner” - Luke 7:39 What does he want Jesus to be?
How would we respond? - Withdraw from her (People-Please) - Angry at the Pharisee (Forget him!) - Try to explain it away (Compromise for Peace)
How did Jesus respond?
How did Jesus respond? Her sins are many, but she's forgiven Your unforgiveness is seen In how you treated me…
So which one is Truly unclean?
Jesus doesn't change to please the Pharisee He doesn't back down from declaring her "many" sins He speaks the truth in love to both
"God, help me to recognize the difference between being Engaged for my growth And being manipulated by Their need to control"
How can you tell?
"God, help me to Seek you for change Instead of my self-effort Which is only to my glory or shame"
Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory - Colossians 3:2-4 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory - Colossians 3:2-4
God loves and values you As you are So you don't have to change For someone else (Or try to change others…)
God loves and values you Too much to let you stay Just like you are God wants more for us Than we want for ourselves
God loves and values you Too much to let you stay Just like you are So staying the same Is not an option
The only questions are: - Who is changing you? - Why?
What do you desire in me, Jesus?
I don't have to be What you want me to be But I do have to allow you to Engage me in ways that Glorify Christ
In what ways am I bending To what others want for me That doesn't glorify Christ?
In what ways am I bending To what others want for me That doesn't glorify Christ? It's not in their best interest to let them get away with that!
Am I allowing God to transform Or am I simply trying to be What someone else wants for me?
Am I being controlling and manipulative Towards people in my life? If so, will I repent NOW?
God wants more for you Than you want for yourself…