Health Informatics Employability Skills
Goals: Apply prior knowledge of Career Pathways. Discuss levels of education, credentialing requirements, and employment trends in health informatics pathway. Explore employment trends and labor statistics for health informatics career options. Apply skills and knowledge learned to use technology and data and develop a patient chart.
When considering health care careers, most people think of doctors and nurses. We have already learned about Career Pathways in health care and now it is time to apply that information and put it into action. If you like technology, Health Informatics may be the career area for you.
Personal Traits Are you well organized? Are you thorough and attentive to details? Are correct grammar and spelling important to you? Information is the key word in this career area and confidentiality is of utmost importance!
Career Choices Jobs in health informatics services do not focus on hands on patient care or even direct patient interaction, instead they focus more on data. In this lesson, we will be exploring careers and using technology to simulate some tasks that people in the health informatics career area may perform daily.
Still interested? Do you like computers? Do you like learning new things? EMR (electronic medical records) are quickly replacing the old paper charts. Technology is constantly being updated. Medical codes and billing guidelines change. Health Informatics workers welcome the challenge and adjust to the changes because of their quest for keeping accurate records.
Always think about Confidentiality… It is a legally protected right of patients to have their personal and medical information kept private. Confidentiality on a computer is best maintained by not sharing passwords, closing computer screens, being watchful for fax machine documents, and always remembering the phrase “need to know.” In the next few slides, you will find directions to start a patient EMR chart.
Let’s register a patient Goal: use technology and date… Use the following link to locate a fillable, online registration form. You will find all of the information necessary to fill out the from completely, in the directions. /student/ch02/simula te03.htm /student/ch02/simula te03.htm Be sure to use the box to send me a copy of your completed work
Health Information Management (HIM) Workers in this career area organize a patient’s medical history to create a medical record. A medical record would include a medical history. A medical history lists all diseases and surgeries a patient has had, their current symptoms, test and exam results, and other health services. It also includes the patient’s family history because some things may be genetic. Most facilities prefer to hire credentialed HIM workers. Certifications for Health Information Technicians Registered HI Administrator (RHIA)Manages patient health information and medical records Registered HI Technician (RHIT)Makes sure records are complete and accurate Certified Coding Associate (CCA)Qualified to code in hospitals and Dr. offices Certified Coding Specialist (CCS)Skilled in coding data in a hospital setting
Health Information Technology (HIT) This career area focuses on the systems that are used to manage and secure the health data. Simply stated, they develop the hardware and software that others put the data into. Some update programs and others fix the “bugs” or glitches in programs. Take a look at this video…
Goals: Take a look at levels of education, credentialing requirements, and employment trends in health informatics pathway. Explore employment trends and labor statistics for health informatics career options.
Check out the career, Billing and Coding Take a look at the video, then complete the activity, following. /student/ch03/simula te05.htm complete the form using the information provided in the directions…don’t forget to a copy of your completed form to Mrs. F. /student/ch03/simula te05.htm
Billing and Coding Interested??
Medical History Form Goal: to fill out a chart. Click on the hotlink below to find a medical history form and follow the directions to completely fill out the chart. Invent past conditions (choose at least three), allergies (do at least one medication and one environmental), and medications for your patient (at least two) and his or her family members (at least two). /student/ch02/simula te04.htm /student/ch02/simula te04.htm Remember to me a copy.
Other Related Careers… If you want more patient contact than the traditional HI jobs, maybe you would like to consider becoming a medical assistant or health educator…check them out by following the link, or Googling… Other health informatics services career paths include: Medical librarians Medical illustrators (art and medical background required) Historians (history and/or library science required) Medical transcriptionist Epidemiologist Medical interpreter because their jobs focus on information.
Medical Assistant Medical assisting is one of the fastest growing occupations which means there will be plenty of jobs available. com/watch?v=6jbS5b LzQoU com/watch?v=6jbS5b LzQoU
Health Educators Health educators help patients use information to prevent illness and manage chronic conditions.
Questions: complete these on a Word doc and them to me. 1.Unlike doctors and nurses, who mostly see patients, health informatics workers focus on ________________ rather than on direct patient care. 2.Informatics workers are accurate, organized, and alert to maintaining ______________. 3.Health informatics workers frequently use computers and must adapt to ongoing changes in _______________.