The War for Independence Learning Objective: Compare and Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of the opposing sides
Foldable Read pages 144 – 146 List advantages and disadvantages of the British and the Patriots
British Advantages At least 1 in 5 Americans were “Loyalists” or “Tories” Varied from region to region – strongest in Carolinas and Georgia; weakest in New England Hired German Hessians (mercenaries) to fight for them
African Americans in Battle British promised freedom for African Americans who joined them Washington suggested allowing free African American to enlist; Southern colonies feared revolt Need for soldiers had some colonies ignoring the ban on African American soldiers About 5,000 join the Patriot cause; Rhode Island has first all African-American regiment; by end of war South Carolina only state not to enlist African Americans
Why do African Americans join the Continental Army? Some believed in the Patriot cause Chance to earn money Some were enslaved and ran away to enlist others had permission from owners to enlist
Continental Congress Served as the national government Lacked power to raise money through taxes; in some ways 13 separate wars being fought Difficult to recruit soldiers and pay them Depended on states to recruit soldiers; signed up for a year; Washington asks for longer terms
Lacked military commanders
Women of the Revolution Margaret Corbin – when her husband died in battle she took his place Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley – “Molly Pitcher” – carried water pitchers to the soldiers Deborah Sampson – disguised herself as a man and joined as a the Continental Army as a soldier
Summary Why did the Hessians have less motivation than the Patriots? How were the militia forces different from the Continental Army? How did women help the war efforts of the Continental Army? Activity suggestions: write a letter as a patriot to a local newspaper; illustrate advantages/disadvantages of each army; show how women or African Americans helped in the war effort