SFFES- Ecological Sensitivity Workshop CWHvh (5% of District)
CWHvh – Calvin Ck, Nootka Is
CWHvh – Calvin Ck, Nootka Is. - Current BEC
CWHvh – Bookend climate scenarios
CWHvh – Calvin Ck, Nootka Is.– PCM-B1 2050
CWHvh– PCM-B CDFmm temp CWHvh(+) precip
CWHvh – Calvin Ck, Nootka Is.– HAD-A1FI 2050
CWHvh– HAD-A1F CDFmm(+) temp CWHmm2(++) Precip
CWHvh – HAD-A1F Summer heat: moisture index At the CWHvm level
CONSIDER CWHvh STAND / ECOSYSTEMS – In a changing climate
CWHvh STAND / ECOSYSTEMS- 2050(PCM & HAD) SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION: Vulnerability Classes Low – Stands will suffer minor losses due to climate change. Mod – likely will suffer significant but manageable losses and or secondary risks (fire etc.) High – likely will suffer major losses or incur high secondary risks, but catastrophic losses unlikely. Very High – likelihood for catastrophic losses are high. Opportunity Classes Nil – No opportunity to enhance growth. Minor – Minor growth enhancement likely. Significant – significant growth enhancement likely. SpeciesVuln. Class Opp. Class Reasoning (e.g. drought stress/ HwLowNil- minor No issues Trees will grow better but also so will mistletoe Some flooding at very low elevations (ocean rising). More wind and severe weather = more decay – top breakage etc.
CWHvh STAND / ECOSYSTEMS- 2050(PCM & HAD) SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION: SpeciesVuln. ClassOpp. Class Reasoning (e.g. drought stress/ CwLowMinor to Signif Increase in growth No real problems FdHighNilIt already is sensitive SsLow (locally moderate in very specific spots) MinorNo change Flooding could be evident here – on alluvial areas – affected by estuary type conditions – Color-challenged ecosystem? Species? BaLowMinorMay improve – more nutrients – cycling from decomp? / growing season moisture not an issue. Still decay issues (with increased winds etc)
CWHvh Ecologically Suitable Regen – Now and Future MESIC SITE DISCUSSION : 1.What are the vulnerabilities and why? (drought / insects / disease?) 2.What are the opportunities – where / when? 3.What are the outstanding questions?
CWHvh Regeneration Vulnerabilities & Opportunities Added Comments: Coast redwood – not clear if it would be suited – think it likely won’t be an option. This would be a last resort – no species that are cutting it. Perhaps should do some trials here just to see in case we can use it. Perhaps Port Orford Cedar – planted in 58 – EP 571 in Uclulet. No major changes on regen side – same species that we use right now. Pw – probably too wet – foliar problems. Ba – possibly on warmer slopes - but may have problems with aphid – need to look into it a bit more? May want to mix in more stands with higher densities – more species options moving forward. Yc – right now is hanging in but not very vigorous. May be useful to mix into species trials. Mesic Sites
CWHvh Regeneration Vulnerabilities & Opportunities Added Comments: Ss – Weevil concerns – increasing hazard (although new weevil-resistant phenotypes show lots of promise). – so may be an option and may grow well discussion – likely trends in 2050 will continue. Bogs to lakes – frogs to fish Mesic Sites
PEEK FURTHER INTO THE FUTURE CWHvh – Calvin Ck, Nootka Is. – PCM-B CWHvm1 CWHvh-warm CWHvm1 CWHdm CWHvh-hot CWHvh-warm CWHvh-hot
PEEK FURTHER INTO THE FUTURE CWHvh – Calvin Ck, Nootka Is. – HAD-A1F CWHvm-warm CWHvh-hot CWHvm-hot CWHvm1 CWHvm-hot
PEEK FURTHER INTO THE FUTURE CWHvh – Calvin Ck, Nootka Is. – HAD-A1F1 2080