PHYSICAL SCIENCE TEST DAY!!!!! 1.Play this game for minutes until you beat it 2.Mason will hand out link to test 15 minutes into class and read to those who want to follow 3.When Done start working on energy assignment quietly 4.Here is Textbook Link: Online BookOnline Book Screenshot 1 million or highest score here for bonus points
Potential High Potentia l Low Kinetic High Kinetic Medium Kinetic Low Describe What happens to the potential energy once the cart begins down the first hill… Drag bars to right spot on picture Potential Medium
Use page 102 to answer the following questions Provide Picture of an object with a lot of kinetic energy but that is moving slow Provide Picture of an object with a lot of kinetic energy but is very small Provide Picture of an object with a big mass and big velocity= Huge Kinetic Energy
Use page 104 to answer the following questions
1/2 Mass X velocity 2 Use calculator on computer to calculate kinetic energy
height Mass X Gravity x Gravity = 9.8 m/s/s
Write a 2 or 3 sentence paragraph describing how potential energy was stored in the trebuchet and then released as kinetic energy. You can use a picture and arrows to explain if you would like
Post your highest score here with screenshot Apple-shift-4 Post your million dollar score here Apple-shift-4