Topographic Maps and Map Scale
Scale Scale is the relationship between distance on the ground and distance on the map Map scale is usually given as a fraction or a ratio 1/10,000 or 1:10,000 and is often accompanied by a visual scale in a bar form –One unit on the map is equal to 10,000 on the ground One inch or centimeter on the map is equal to ten thousand inches or centimeters on the ground
Map Scale Map scale is the opposite of what it looks like Big numbers mean small scale –Small scale covers a larger area and has less detail Little numbers mean large scale –Large scale covers a smaller area and has a lot of detail
This is a large scale topographic Map of the VVC campus. It’s Scale is 1:24,000 which means That one inch on the map is Equal to one inch on the ground. Notice that it shows a lot of detail. The black dots represent buildings.
This map is a medium scale map. Its scale is smaller than the last map, Even though the number is larger. The scale of this map is 1:50,000. Notice that it also shows a lot of Detail, but not as much as the last Map.
This is a small scale map. Its Scale is smaller than both of the Maps before even though its Number is bigger. It is a 1:250,000 scale map. Notice That this map covers a much Larger area, but you have lost Much of the detail such as Houses, minor streets, and Even the names of major streets.
The scale on this map is even Smaller than the last even Though the area covered is Obviously much larger. This Is a 1:500,000 map.
The scale on this map is the Smallest of all the maps. It is a 1:1,000,000 map. It covers the most area of all The maps we have seen. Notice that even some Communities are lost to this Map in order to present this Large area. Large Area=Small Scale Small Area=Large Scale