To quantify impact of WA emissions on global tropospheric composition, oxidising capacity, stratospheric composition and climate on seasonal & inter-annual timescales To quantify role of deep convection on the chemical composition of the FT, UTLS etc….. Strategy: Global modelling - LMDz-INCA (SA), MIMOSA (SA), MOCAGE (CNRM), LOA, LA (TM4, RegCM), TM5 (KNMI), TOMCAT (UCAM) Regional modelling - BOLAM, Meso-NH, CHIMERE…. Data analysis - satellite (MOPITT, IASI, CALIPSO, MODIS), MOZAIC, ozonesondes, aircraft & balloon data (Lagrangian modelling) AMMA Chemical Modelling Activities (some of them…) CNRS-IPSL, CNRS-LA, KNMI, CNRM, UCAM, CNR, LISA
- Aircraft (and other) data analysis using mesoscale & global models (convection, long-range transport, lightning, surface emissions - BB, soils, vegetation, ….) - Models used to calculate budgets/fluxes - major limitation is treatment of deep convection - need to evaluate param. Schemes (led by dynamicists - AMMA MIP: AMMA Chemical Modelling On-going & Future Work O3 from LMDzINCAO3 from all aircraft N-S flights Courtesy: Bouarar, Schlager, FAAM, Yushkov, Safire, Nedelec
CO concentrations from LMDz-INCA (contours) and an idealized tracer over West Africa (Pham, Filiberti, Hourdin, IPSL, Paris)
sahara sahel guinee south South Atlantic Proposed AMMA Tracer Experiments Frederic Hourdin (CNRS/LMD), Peter van Velthoven(KNMI) Regional tracers emitted at surface and FT (1000 to 400 hPa) plus some global (SCOUT-like) tracers with -decay/ wet. dep./strat. tracer Define some common AMMA-SCOUT tracer experiments?
IGBP-IGAC/WCRP-SPARC Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Project Aims to improve understanding of climate forcing from chemical/aerosol agents & their representation in models (feed into next IPCC/WMO)
Timeline (phase 1) March 2006 Pune, India IGBP/ WCRP SC/SSG January st Workshop Geneva definition of activities summer 2007 Write-up publication EOS, ACPD, BAMS, ? Dec 2007-Jan 2008 Workshop Real work begins, experiments defined, Runs, verification strategies June 2008 Workshop interpreting results, writing papers Papers submitted Most model groups will have “frozen” model configs. for IPCC/WMO August 2006 Planning Workshop Boulder selected issues & topics
“TroposChem” (IGAC) (tropospheric gas-phase chem) CCM-Val (SPARC) (stratospheric chemistry) AeroCom (tropospheric aerosols) Research Implementation Bodies 1.Emissions Harmonization 2.Data Center 3.AC&C Web page & “E- newsletter” WCRP-SPARC/IGBP-IGAC: AC&C 1.Composition impacts on climate 2.Climate impacts on chemistry 3.Climate impacts on surface-level ozone & aerosols (“air quality”) Unifying thematic areas Cross-cutting Activities TF HTAP GEIA Observational Data AC&C Research Activities
Activity 1: A year hind-cast of tropospheric ozone and aerosols - evaluation against observations Activity 2: Evaluation of processes controlling the distribution of aerosols/gases. Step 1: Focus on 5km to tropopause (LS) Activity 3: Better representation of cloud, aerosol, and chemical interactions. Activity 4: Analyses of sensitivities and uncertainties in the future scenarios for climate models. The Phase 1 task: Modeling Study Activities