EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 1 EU-IndiaGrid - Applications Marco Verlato (INFN-Padova) Regional Grid Projects Concertation Workshop Budapest, 4 October 2007
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 2 EU-IndiaGrid goals To support the interconnection and interoperability between EGEE and GARUDA for the benefit of eScience applications; Build an e-Science Network Community: –identify and aggregate research, scientific and industrial communities which may benefit from the use of Grid technology To promote the use of advanced Grid technologies in scientific communities –Specific pilot applications –specific outreach and dissemination activities Project start: October 2006 Duration: 24 months
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 3 Applications 9 applications from 4 different disciplines, 3 countries involved: Italy, UK and India The selected disciplines (applications) are: –HEP (ALICE and CMS) –Biology (MOOSE: Multiscale Object Oriented Simulation Environment ) –Material Science (RSDF for quantum dots, VASP, Quantum/Espresso, BEM/Gromacs) –Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (RegCM3, ROMS) They were selected before the start of the project, based on already established collaboration between European and Indian researchers
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 4 New Applications Building an eScience Network Community is one of the main goal of the project –A DB with > 450 registered members from > 300 institutions interested to EU-IndiaGrid has been populated The strategy to attract new applications, sites, communities consisted in organising targeted events The first was the Bangalore Workshop in Apr.07: –40 representatives of several Indian institutions were invited to present their applications (pre-selected with questionnaires) –New applications selected: Seismic modelling code ported at Pune Workshop (last week) Electronic structures Vibration control using smart structures
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 5 Application Categorization DisciplineApplicationsCategory HEPAlice, CMS CPU, Data intensive, independent jobs BiologyMOOSE CPU intensive, independent jobs Material Science RSDF, VASP Q/E BEM/Gromacs CPU intensive, independent jobs Tightly coupled parallel jobs Loosely coupled parallel jobs Earth & Atmospheric Sciences RegCM3, ROMS CPU, Data intensive, tightly coupled parallel jobs
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 6 Cross Project Communities Identification First results of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Applications presented at OGF20/EGEE User Forum, May 2007 Applications Requirements and 1 st Integration Reports delivered timely (Feb.07 and Jul.07) and publicly available Being INFN part of EELA, EUMEDGRID and EUChinaGRID, close collaboration already in place, in particular for coordinated dissemination activity (EGEE06, G8-Unesco Forum, BELIEF- EELA, IUGG, EGEE07, SC07…) Special focus on grid interoperability with Asia (joint workshops with EUChinaGRID at EGEE07, WLCG-EUIndiaGrid wks. at Taiwan, and IGIIW at eScience07 in Bangalore)
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 7 Application Selection Criteria Applications areas were selected on the basis of consolidated scientific collaboration between European and Indian partners: –INFN - BARC+TIFR of Mumbai + SINP/VECC of Kolkata for HEP –University of Cambridge - TIFR/NCBS of Bangalore for Biology –ICTP/SISSA CM Group - University of Pune for Material Sciences –ICTP/Climate Group - CDAC-Pune/CAS Group for Earth Atmospheric Sciences Specific applications within the above areas were selected according to: –Most demanding in terms of producing and processing large quantities of data –Challenging to grid-enable due their intrinsic structure (e.g. tightly coupled parallelism, large I/O requirements) –Being of particular interest in the Indian region (e.g. Monsoons studies)
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 8 Gridification guides Quick gLite HOW-TO for EU-IndiaGrid users: –How to get personal certificates, register to euindia VO, download and use UIPnP, simple glite-* commands, references to gLite official Users Guides and API documentation Quick gLite Middleware Deployment HOW-TO for EU-IndiaGrid: –How to deploy main gLite services (CE, SE, UI) at your sites, enable them for euindia VO, be included in the EU-IndiaGrid pilot infrastructure Material of training courses held at project workshops Wiki pages for each application area Reserve_smp_nodes utility ( to overcome MPI difficulties )
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 9 VO Resource Allocation Policies The euindia VO is used for all applications but Alice and CMS, that use their own VO –at this stage no particular use of groups and roles –20 euindia VO users by now (11 Europeans and 9 Indians) 14 resource centres available with gLite –11 European and 3 Indians, 12 (10+2) shared with the EGEE production infrastructure –supporting at least alice, cms and euindia VOs We plan by the end of the project to have included all other Indian partner’s sites (C-DAC, Univ.of Pune, BARC, NCBS, MIT) Inclusion of some GARUDA resources expected after a minimal interoperability is achieved see infrastructure session
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 10 Thank you
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 11 Backup slides: Application Summary
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 12 Euindia VO top users
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 13 Applications: Atmospheric sciences Collaboration between: –Physic of Weather and Climate group at Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy –Computational Atmospheric Science group at Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) in Pune, India The first challenges: –Develop a Regional coupled atmosphere-ocean model system for “Prediction of the Indian summer Monsoon” –Coupled meteorology-air quality modeling system for the study of pollutant dispersion in urban areas Simulation Tools –Several atmospheric/climate models –MM5/RegCM3/ROMS/WRF etc... First step: port them on the EU-IndiaGrid
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 14 The RegCM3 application RegCM3: Regional Climate Model Version 3 CPU intensive tightly coupled parallel code I/O intensive code –EX: The model generates about 9GB of data for one month of model integration for the domain covering the monsoon region the RegCM3 model is being integrated for a 15 years period to study the intraseasonal and interannual variation of the Indian summer monsoon It has been adapted and ported on both the gLite based and Garuda grids
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 15 Applications: Condensed Matter Many different research groups within University of Pune and ICTP Different applications/porting approaches: from trivial parameter-sweep computational tasks to tightly coupled MPI parallel programs –Real Space Density Function Code for Quantum dots (University of Pune) –Equilibrium geometries of atomic clusters using VASP code (University of Pune) –Quantum ESPRESSO suite for electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling at the nanoscale (ICTP) –Biased exchange metadynamics alogorithm based on Gromacs MD package (ICTP)
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 16 Electronic structures of QDs Many iterations with many initial guesses, each with different spin and impurity parameters thousands of independent jobs
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 17 Quantum ESPRESSO suite porting Tightly coupled MPI parallel program Doesn’t fit with MPICH over Ethernet implementation typical of gLite based resources (latency and bandwidth limitations) New approach: use most recent multicore WNs to run small parallel jobs exploiting shared memory for communication Python utility developed to reserve a full WN on a CE, more details at:
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 18 Applications: Biology Focused on porting to grid the Multiscale Object-Oriented Simulation Environment (MOOSE) Work lead by NCBS team in Bangalore Compute intensive application Some models partitionable in loosely coupled sub- models which can run independently
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 19 Applications: High Energy Physics HEP LHC applications are already grid-enabled EU-IndiaGrid is supporting the establishment and the operations of two WLCG Tier-2 sites in India: –TIFR/Mumbai involved in CMS –SAHA/VECC Kolkata involved in ALICE First file transfer from CERN to Mumbai and Kolkata exploiting the 45 Mbps link initiated the 12 February 2007 ( see )
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 20 Applications: High Energy Physics ALICE Physics Data Challenge at SAHA/VECC Kolkata Tier-2