Aspects Content & Language Integrated Learning Content input Support for language learning Bridging the gap
The Context First class in a Lower Secondary School An opportunity to bridge the gap Subject: Biology Topic to be found in Biology textbooks Vocabulary & Structures already covered in English
The Story
It is so warm and snug
And we start to play
Then, a bit later children come and see us. I can see them!
And, they play with us and we play with them. What fun!
Why Stories are Useful in CLIL We all like stories and stories can be retold
Exploiting Stories Stories contain factual information Smell: Nasentier Opening of eyes & ears: Day 18 “Swimming“: Puppies start to stand from Day 21 Puppy games: Importance for development Children: Relationship towards children
Language Methodology & CLIL Receptive Skills Listening & Reading Productive Skills Speaking & Writing
Exploiting Stories Lexis Vocabulary Puppy A young dog Snug Warm & comfortable Structures I remember that smell, I remember that smell
Exploiting Stories Lexical fields Dogs PuppyLitter-boxBitch
The Four C´s Curriculum Content Communication Cognition Culture 4 Cs curriculum. Coyle 1999