Feock Community Transport Scheme
About the scheme …. Prompted by local Corlink service ceasing Funded by “Our Place” grant from Locality Employed a Project Officer with this grant Contacted Corlink users to find out the type of service needed Worked with Age UK, CRCC and other providers of similar services Engaged with local residents Recruited volunteer drivers Ran a month long pilot scheme and publicity campaign in Jan 2015 Simple ‘village to village’ fare donation structure to help pay for scheme Feock Parish Council agreed to manage and run the scheme permanently in September 2015 Almost 200 trips now completed to date! We now need more volunteer drivers as the scheme has proved so popular!
What the users of the service say … “My children have moved away up country for work, if they were here they would help me get around but they’re not, with you I can still get to the Doctors to see the Nurse as they can’t come to my home anymore” “My neighbours are lovely and will always help me with lifts but I don’t like to bother them, it’s nice I can phone you up and get a lift without feeling I am bothering people” “I like to go to Trelissick once a week as it helps me get out, otherwise I don’t see anyone for a few days” “My husband died a few weeks ago, I did think about learning to drive but I’m 90 so I think it might be a bit late!” “It’s nice to see the drivers, they are all so lovely and kind, it’s nice to have a chat with someone”