Speaker tonight Dr. Ronald Markle AED Faculty Advisor Chair of the Health Sciences Pre-Professional Evaluation Committee (Committee Letters) Professor of Biology PSU Gymnast Alumnus
Announcements MCAT 2016 DatesMCAT 2016 Dates released Registration opens in late- October AAMC Acing Interviews Webinar postedAcing Interviews Webinar ScribeAmericaScribeAmerica is hiring Undergrads
Primary Care Day Saturday., October 17, from 8:30am-3:30pm is PRIMARY CARE DAY at Penn State University Hershey Medical Center in Hershey, PA. Any student interested in Primary Care medicine is encouraged to attend! Last year's program included Admissions and Medical Student Panels along with patient encounters and clinical workshops. RSVP to Diane Ferron at We are attempting to organize carpooling, look for an
Weekly Volunteer Activity PSU United Way - Day of Caring 10/1/ AM to 3 PM Don’t need to stay the whole time Spend some time outside painting, mulching, etc. at the Centre Furnace Mansion Find this and more at
Elmcroft Volunteering Elmcroft: a senior community in State College Interest in volunteering as a group? Perhaps caroling around holidays? Play board games? Listen to stories? Talk to Abagayle (aws5938)
Blood Cup Updates We are REFRESHING Blood Cup this year Look for s about training If interested in becoming a certified OSC (in charge of all volunteers at a blood drive), me (bxf5064) HOMECOMING PARADE (Oct. 6 PM) Do you want a SERVICE POINT and some blood cup points!?!?!?!? Dress up as a zombie doctor/nurse/PA/dentist Dress up as a normal person Wear the dog costume for the parade Walk with the SRCC and be adulated by the crowd
Blood Cup Updates Subchair applications Coming to an near you! Chalkboarding Subchair Advertising Subchair Communications Subchair Poster Session and Brainstorming After this meeting, we will meet to make posters for the parade Also want your ideas for increasing blood donations
Social/PR Updates Hike Mount Nittany with AED Join us to check something off your Penn State Bucket list Either Sun. 10/4 or Sun. 10/11: Any preferences? Will organize carpooling Subchair Positions Three subchair positions 2x Attendance Subchairs 1x Activities Coordinator
THON Updates Subchair applications will be sent out soon TREE subchair Fundraising Safety e-course Must complete and pass ENTIRE course to go canning! Next canning weekend: October at Ben’s house in Lancaster! Mark your calendars!
THON Updates cont’d. Now that fundraising has officially begun… Start compiling list of addresses for THONvelopes! Donation boxes requests available For small businesses Local or Home Corporate donors Let us know if you personally know any businesses that would be interested in donation
THON Canning Weekend 1 Total!!! $2,006.13
Membership Never too early to start earning points! Have ideas for new ways to earn points? Not sure if an activity you participated in counts? Ece at Don’t forget about Fantastic resource to earn service points! Be sure to Ece with any completed events or volunteer hours (include dates and times) Keep track of your points on our website Google: PSU AED (choose first option) Under membership tab, view current google doc
Vote for this year’s AED tshirt! T-shirt designs are labeled 1, 2, 3… Everyone take out a scrap of paper to vote!! Side note: colors of shirts can be changed,so vote on the design!
Design #1
Design #2
Design #3
Design #4 *Disclaimer: We still need to check if we can use the Penn State logo*
Design #5
Listserv, facebook Not on the listserv? Jocie at Join the Facebook group!