Management Effectiveness Experiences in Latin America: Response to a Felt Need José Courrau, Ph.D.
A Simultaneous Phenomenon Initiatives in various parts of the world LA countries have implemented more management effectiveness models over time Models have emerged at different times, with different motivations and in different places The felt need and absence of a standard model led to creativity and innovation
A variety of models De Faria (1993) TNC (PiP Scorecard) PROARCA/CAPAS (1997) WWF/CATIE (1998) WWF/Peru, Brazil (1998) Enhancing our Heritage (2000)
In a variety of countries Mesoamerica (Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize) South America (Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, the Guianas) Caribbean (Dominican Republic, Cuba)
Review of the models Similarities: Intended to assess management Based on indicators Cover a wide variety of management aspects Differences: Level of stakeholders participation Scale (site, system) Presence/abse nce of a long- term goal Who does the assessment
Key Influences The IV World Parks Congress recommendation to evaluate and improve the management of protected areas Significant push for accountability and transparency in LA governments from international lenders and NGOs (Total Quality Management, Performance Review) The need for enhancing reporting, resource allocation, advocacy and PA management adaptability
The Present The implementation of some models has survived the test of time…so far Some of the models have evolved (from site to system, new indicators) The use of assessment results needs more work Introduction of ME in some countries is still pending In country implementation across sites is not consistent Training opportunities are becoming limited Extension of EoH (2004?)