Crystal There millions of stones around the world. And most common is Crystal. Why is crystal is so common is because of we can find it at the sand at the beach and people. When we're walking on the sand at the beach, your walking on crystal. It’s horribly hard to even see it, but if you look closely, there’re te eny-tiny little flakes of shining stuff. And that stuff is called crystal. And on our bones, there're is tiny flakes of them too! ( I’ll tell you what, sometimes, gems are found in the animal’s bladder. YUCK!)
Birthst nes What are birthstones? They are symbols of the month you were born. The next slide is a calendar of months and birthstones. Then I will tell you the meaning of each one. Some people also say that if you wear them, they will bring you good luck! So, what’s your birthstone?
Let’s see, there’re 12 stones. What’s your birthstone?
These are the other gems. Some are birthstones.
These are the not yet cut gems. They look very different from the gems I showed. You see, gems aren’t that special! They are just rocks cut up and the inside is GLITTERY. But they are still special, in a way.
Some are more then special… Some gems have been used to cure people. It is only certain kinds of gems. They put it in a box, very similar to this.
I think this is how my mum did it…
Thank you for watching!
Question Time!