Thomas Kuhn The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962)
Kuhn and Paradigms… In The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Thomas Kuhn argues that science evolves – not in a logically linear fashion but through dramatic shifts in how scientists see the world He coins the term “paradigm” and “paradigm shift” Newtonian Physics Newtonian physics to Quantum physics
Is Science Objective Thomas Kuhn challenges the idea that science is objective Kuhn in ‘The structure of Scientific Revolutions’ introduces the idea of scientists at certain times in history working in a paradigm.
A pardigm shift “A paradigm as used by Kuhn refers to the framework of accepted ideas in which they operate. A paradigm might include ideas on truth, validity and methodology. Kuhn argues that scientist will tend to work within the paradigm and thus seek evidence which supports the paradigm until such time as anomalies are so strong as to precipitate a paradigm shift or revolution. A new ‘normal science paradigm’ is established and the process begins again”.