Senior Drug Users: Scotland April Shaw & Austin Smith November 2009
Data Sources Scottish Drug Misuse Database Health Protection Scotland General Register Office for Scotland Prison Survey
Target Group (source ISD)
Target Group: Gender (source ISD)
Mortality (source GROS) Year Death by Drug Abuse (all ages) Death By Drug Abuse aged (25%) (26%) (33%) (29%) (32%) (51%) (44%) (43%) (44%)
Social Background Employment Avg. 84% unemployed / 11% employed Compared to national avg. of 5% unemployed Housing 82% own home 14% homeless 2% supported accommodation/residential rehab
Physical Health: Blood Borne Virus Hepatitis C 50K prevalence 23,686 HCV + 37% aged % females / 78% males (2007) 65% over 35s are in year age group
Physical Health: General Acute Hospital Discharges with Drug Diagnosis (F11,12,13,14,15,16,18,19)
Mental Health: Psychiatric Hospital Discharges with Drug Diagnosis (F11,12,13,14,15,16,18,19)
Summary Ageing opiate using population Rising number of deaths among SDU High unemployment 1 in 10 homeless 1/3 HCV over 35 Increasing proportion SDU hospital and psychiatric discharges