Eco-innovation Action Plan Meeting of the High Level Working Group The Eco-innovation Action Plan (EcoAP) review Brussels, 24 March 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Eco-innovation Action Plan Meeting of the High Level Working Group The Eco-innovation Action Plan (EcoAP) review Brussels, 24 March 2015

Context/General information since 2004: ETAP, eco-innovation priorities in EU policies and programmes Europe 2020: smarter, greener, more inclusive economy, enabled by greater innovation and by managing our resources more efficiently "Resource Efficient Europe": role of eco-innovation in moving towards a green economy; "Innovation Union": adoption of EcoAP EcoAP launched in December 2011, SIP in 2012 (review foreseen in 2015) technologies, business processes and organisational change address challenges of resource scarcity and environmental pollution providing growth and jobs, contributes to circular economy by optimising resource flow and use in both the society and economy EcoAP not a financial instrument (funding through LIFE+, CIP EIP, FP7, Horizon 2020, COSME and the European Structural and Investment Funds) NB: "Innovation Union" currently under review

Objective of the review review of EcoAP objectives, implementation (methods used, available tools, cooperation with stakeholders, effectiveness, funding opportunities), results, impact assessment of governance structure and awareness raising activities assessment of current relevance in the context of the priorities of the new Commission and economic perspectives for growth in the EU (Investment Plan for EU, new proposal for circular economy) possible overlaps and potential synergies with relevant existing and emerging policy frameworks (i.e. Green Action Plan for SMEs) gaps and ways to address them, new areas where focus is needed possible evolvement of EcoAP into a more comprehensive and systemic framework for action on the circular economy policy options for the future

Tasks to be performed Literature review -evaluations, reports and communications on European and national policy instruments relevant to EcoAP implementation -studies and reports on specific EcoAP elements, other relevant studies at MS/EU level (incl. EcoAP national roadmaps) -studies carried out outside the EU Validation of findings -interviews with stakeholders relevant to EcoAP implementation -eco-innovation, circular economy, environmental technologies, processes and services, business models, funding and financial instruments and organisational change in the context of the green economy -aspects addressed by the 7 EcoAP actions -need for MS contribution in May/June (via interviews/written replies)

Conclusions EcoAP effectiveness, efficiency, results and impacts achieved so far EcoAP actions working well/those needing update/improvement indicators for the successful implementation bottlenecks/obstacles and enablers (incl. regulations) to implementation gaps to address in order to ensure successful implementation coherence of EcoAP with other EU actions to promote eco-innovation synergies with other policy initiatives and areas, incl. policies at MS level assessment of COM/MS role in EcoAP implementation added value, benefits and opportunities for stakeholders/EU economy relevance of existing EcoAP objectives/priorities (in the context of new Commission, Investment Plan for EU, new proposal for circular economy) assessment and identification of options for the future (incl. possible need for formal revision of EcoAP communication)

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Lana Žutelija Policy Officer for Eco-Innovation DG ENVIRONMENT Unit A1 - Eco-Innovation & Circular Economy