Food Security & Nutrition Network Social & Behavioral Change Task Force Meeting #6 July 6, 2011
Agenda Progress on reviews of the CSHGP projects with best reduction in underweight Progress on reviews of the CSHGP projects with best reduction in underweight Approval of several SBC tools/methods for posting to the FSN Network website Approval of several SBC tools/methods for posting to the FSN Network website CDW Practice Promotion QIV Checklist: Modifications and volunteer to created annotated version CDW Practice Promotion QIV Checklist: Modifications and volunteer to created annotated version Revision of draft training notes on use of QIV Checklists? Revision of draft training notes on use of QIV Checklists? Update on ms-DBC training in Niger (and new funds for country-level training) Update on ms-DBC training in Niger (and new funds for country-level training) SBCTF review of new multi-sectoral DBC manual (and Competency #1) SBCTF review of new multi-sectoral DBC manual (and Competency #1) Review of Core Competencies (Ashley) Review of Core Competencies (Ashley) Other topics? Other topics?
Progress on Reviews of CSHGP Projects with Best Reduction in Underweight Received (71%): IRC/Rwanda 2005 (Adugna), IRC/Rwanda 2005 (Adugna), IEF/Malawi 2006 (Diane), IEF/Malawi 2006 (Diane), CARE/Ethiopia (Tom) CARE/Ethiopia (Tom) WRC/Cambodia 2007 (Terry) WRC/Cambodia 2007 (Terry) HAI/E. Timor (Paul) HAI/E. Timor (Paul) Outstanding (29%): MCDI/Benin (Alison Prather – my delay) MCDI/Benin (Alison Prather – my delay) SAWSO/SA (Phil … forgiven … because Phil’s cool) SAWSO/SA (Phil … forgiven … because Phil’s cool) Lessons Learned (reviewers): We will look for any trends once the last three reviews are turned in. We will look for any trends once the last three reviews are turned in. Anything the last three reviewers should be looking for given the findings from the first four? Anything the last three reviewers should be looking for given the findings from the first four?
Approval of SBC Tools / Methods for FSN Network Website Useful to have several approved SBC information products, methods and tools (IMT) posted when the FSN Network website is released later this summer. (At this point, only SBC Core Capacities document and Persuasion Principles narrated presentations are approved.) Useful to have several approved SBC information products, methods and tools (IMT) posted when the FSN Network website is released later this summer. (At this point, only SBC Core Capacities document and Persuasion Principles narrated presentations are approved.) Are there any SBC IMT that we (1) have all reviewed and (2) have widespread approval for? Are there any SBC IMT that we (1) have all reviewed and (2) have widespread approval for? Consider: Care Group manual, DBC [health/nutrition] manual, Barrier Analysis manual, PDQ manual, others? Consider: Care Group manual, DBC [health/nutrition] manual, Barrier Analysis manual, PDQ manual, others? Do we need to review each, or are their some we can vote on without further review? Do we need to review each, or are their some we can vote on without further review?
CDW Practice Promotion QIV Checklist Comments from Marilu C, Jennifer P, and Terry L, and Mitzi H – Thanks! Comments from Marilu C, Jennifer P, and Terry L, and Mitzi H – Thanks! See question on prayer before meetings. See question on prayer before meetings. Further comments/edits needed or ready to go? Review now? Further comments/edits needed or ready to go? Review now? Volunteer to help me insert comments in it explaining why each step of the process (in the QIVC) is important. Volunteer to help me insert comments in it explaining why each step of the process (in the QIVC) is important. Volunteers to translate? Volunteers to translate?
Revision of Draft QIVC Training Notes Interest in revision of draft training notes on use of QIV Checklists? Interest in revision of draft training notes on use of QIV Checklists? Could do jointly with the FSN Network MEWG. Could do jointly with the FSN Network MEWG.
Update on ms-DBC Training in Niger Dates: September 5-11 Dates: September 5-11 Co-hosted: TOPS/WVI splitting costs Co-hosted: TOPS/WVI splitting costs 25 participants: 10 WVI, 15 TOPS-sponsored 25 participants: 10 WVI, 15 TOPS-sponsored Nine Organizations attending: (All who applied) CARE, CRS, Counterpart, FH, HKI, IMC, LOL, SP, WVI. Nine Organizations attending: (All who applied) CARE, CRS, Counterpart, FH, HKI, IMC, LOL, SP, WVI. Eight Countries represented: Burkina Faso, Burundi, DRC, Haiti, Madagascar, Mali, and Mauritania, and Niger. Eight Countries represented: Burkina Faso, Burundi, DRC, Haiti, Madagascar, Mali, and Mauritania, and Niger. Heads-up: Will announce TOPS funding for eight more country-level DBC trainings after this first regional training. Those organizations represented at the regional training will have best shot at those funds. Heads-up: Will announce TOPS funding for eight more country-level DBC trainings after this first regional training. Those organizations represented at the regional training will have best shot at those funds. Consider applying for the HQ multisectoral DBC Training which will be held in October 2011 – talk to Bonnie Kittle to get on that list. Consider applying for the HQ multisectoral DBC Training which will be held in October 2011 – talk to Bonnie Kittle to get on that list.
Update on Multi-Sectoral DBC Manual & Competency #1 Draft to be finalized this month. New Ag/NRM examples and stories. Revision of determinants (e.g., Access now included in BA questionnaire). Testing in Niger. Draft to be finalized this month. New Ag/NRM examples and stories. Revision of determinants (e.g., Access now included in BA questionnaire). Testing in Niger. Interest in divvying up for SBCT review of revised manual? (If so, we can use Survey Monkey to let people choose the Tasks they want to review once the draft is ready.) Interest in divvying up for SBCT review of revised manual? (If so, we can use Survey Monkey to let people choose the Tasks they want to review once the draft is ready.) This will provide an IMT for the SBC Competency we rated as second most important: “Conducting qualitative and quantitative formative studies to understand how and why people do behaviors including identifying and prioritizing key determinants of behaviors / barriers & enablers to change, and knowing how to change them.” This will provide an IMT for the SBC Competency we rated as second most important: “Conducting qualitative and quantitative formative studies to understand how and why people do behaviors including identifying and prioritizing key determinants of behaviors / barriers & enablers to change, and knowing how to change them.” DBC manual review not to be done immediately – just looking for interest in reviewing. DBC manual review not to be done immediately – just looking for interest in reviewing. (Small group [Phil, Diane, Paul] working on SBC Competency we rated most important: Convincing staff of the need to change.) (Small group [Phil, Diane, Paul] working on SBC Competency we rated most important: Convincing staff of the need to change.)
Review of Updated Core Competencies Sent out yesterday ( ). Sent out yesterday ( ). Ashley to present. Ashley to present.
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