Oregon Standards: An Update 2009 Superintendent’s Summer Institute Oregon Department of Education August 3, 2009
What’s New in ? Mathematics –Core standards for High School –Advanced Knowledge and Skills Science –Core standards for K – High School Technology –Move from CCGs to standards Upcoming standards review & revision –Social Sciences
Oregon Content Standards New Core Standards Structure –Built around “big ideas” for each grade level and subject area –Articulates learning progressions within and between grade levels –Allows for more effective lesson design, focused instruction, and creation of formative assessments
Criteria & Process for Core Standards Development Core standards work based on Doug Reeves’ Endurance, Leverage & Success (Necessity) criteria Content and Assessment panels (ORS ) used to develop new standards Public input obtained for draft standards
Research Base for Creating Core Standards Mathematics National Research Council Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMMS) National Council of Teachers of Mathematics National Mathematics Advisory Panel Council of Chief State School Officers
Mathematics Standards Adoption and Accountability Kindergarten – Grade 8 standards adopted December 2007 –Accountability for grades begins 2010 – 2011 High School standards adopted June 2009 –Accountability begins 2010 – 2011
Mathematics Assessment Test Specifications and Blueprints for posted on ODE website: Transitions in Mathematics Assessment, Documents at: The Crosswalk: Comparing the 2002 to the 2007 Mathematics Content Standards: ds/crosswalkanalysisguidance pdf ds/crosswalkanalysisguidance pdf Item Writing to assess the new mathematics standards for grades 3-8 and high school is being conducted July-November 2009.
Advanced Knowledge & Skills for High School Mathematics Provide students more learning options (advanced coursework) Assist teachers in designing differentiated instruction Organized by discipline to allow concise configurations to be made at the local level
Research Base for Creating Core Standards Science National Research Council Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMMS) Council of Chief State School Officers WestEd reports
Science Adoption and Accountability Kindergarten – High School standards adopted February Science standards will be fully assessed no sooner than
Science Assessment Test Specifications and Blueprints for posted on ODE website: Transitions in Science Assessment will be established in The Crosswalk: Comparing the 2001 to the 2009 Science Content Standards will be available by Winter, 2010 Item Writing to assess the new science standards for grades 3-8 and high school will begin Winter, 2010
Technology Standards Adopted December of 2008 Aligned to the National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS*S) Why standards? –CCGs did not have the visibility necessary to require instruction around Ed Tech so that students are prepared for 21 st C
Technology Standards Title II-D funds allocated at the national level require standards against which students can be evaluated –Districts receiving Title II-D funds will be required to evaluate student progress on these standards using a state identified evaluation tool beginning in –ODE in the process of identifying tool
Social Science Standards Review and revision begins Fall 2010 Adoption expected Winter 2010/11 Partners –Content & Assessment Panel –Design and review teams including members of business and higher education –Public review Shift to the core standards structure –Grade level standards rather than benchmarks
Where do I get the most current version of the standards for planning instruction?
Resources for Educational Achievement and Leadership
What is REAL? A web site that provides: Lessons Assessment Items Standards documents (electronic & print) Diploma Toolkits Resources for Educational Achievement and Leadership
What is REAL? Resources to assist members of Oregon’s educational community in providing quality, standards-based education for every student
Who should use REAL? Who should use REAL? Classroom teachers Principals Superintendents Parents There’s something for everyone!
Standards by Design Standards by Design Create a standards document customized to your specifications
Standards by Design Standards customized to your subject and grade level choices Printable or electronic format Message to parents Message to students 12 Tips for Parents Additional information on standards and assessments
Standards by Design
Exporting the Standards Exporting the Standards Export to Excel to get an electronic version of the standards that you can manipulate
Searchable Standards Searchable Standards Search by subject and grade to cut and paste standards into electronic lesson plans
Teaching & Learning Resources Teaching & Learning Resources Find lessons, assessments and content background matched at the standard level
Online Standards Newspaper Online Standards Newspaper Browse an electronic version of the classic standards newspaper
Help is at your fingertips! Help is at your fingertips!Help is at your fingertips!Help is at your fingertips! View online tutorials and user guide to get “just-in-time” assistance
National Common Core Standards: What? Common core of standards –Mathematics and English Language Arts College and career-ready standards K – 12 grade level standards Voluntary “state led” alignment, not driven by federal government –Fewer, clearer and higher –Aligned with college and work expectations –Internationally benchmarked
National Common Core Standards: Why? Prepare students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in college and careers regardless of where they live Provide equal access to a high-quality education and the workforce
National Common Core Standards: How & Who? College & Career Ready Standards- Released July 16, 2009 Development Group –Achieve –College Board –ACT Inc. External review by: –States (responses sent to CCSSO 7/31) –Feedback Group –Validation Committee
National Common Core Standards: How & Who? K-12 Grade Level Standards- To be released December 2009 Development Group –To be determined External review process –To be determined
National Common Core Standards: Effect on Oregon Standards Participating states asked to align their standards with minimum of 85% of national standards (once finalized) Assessments National conversations around common assessments aligned to national standards are expected to begin soon
Thank you! We hope you enjoy this year’s Superintendent’s Summer Institute.