Grade 6 Mathematics Plotting Points Deandra Bernauer January 30, 2014
How can I teach one math concept in a variety of different ways??
Curriculum Connections Strand: Shape and Space Outcome: SS6.4 – Demonstrate understanding of the first quadrant of the Cartesian plane and ordered pairs with whole number comparisons.
Direct Instruction Teachers can teach students how to plot points on a coordinate grid the ‘old-fashioned way’, how most of us were probably taught. Teachers lecture students about how to plot points and then provide them with a textbook assignment and questions to answer.
Teaching Through Problem Solving Students are presented with word problems and must use them to plot points or read graphs with previously plotted points. Math Makes Sense 6 uses this approach in a problem that presents students with a map and has them list the coordinates of various locations on that map.
Hidden Messages Worksheet Works is a website that provides students with a template to create hidden messages in coordinate grids. Teachers can write any message in the grid and students then have to plot all of the points to solve the messages. geometry/graphing/coordinates- message.html
Kinesthetic Mathematics Use tape to create a coordinate grid on the floor of the classroom. Have students move around on the grid to get a feel for the points, coordinates, and grid.
Reinforcing Skills Through Games Use the Internet to allow students to play math games that include plotting points or finding coordinates. For example: Find the Alien /locate_aliens.html
Reciprocal Peer Teaching Group students together into pairs or small groups, preferably heterogenous groups. Have students inquire and discover how to plot points together and to teach each other and work together.
Using Manipulatives Geoboards & Elastic Bands – give students coordinates and have them create shapes or objects Magnetic Boards – Have students create designs on a magnetic board and then ask them to write out the points so that someone else could make the same object.
Technological Applications MimioConnect – An interactive whiteboard – There are a number of pre-made mimio lessons available for math Smartboard – Create lessons that incorporate using this technology to engage students.