The Clause
I.The Clause A. The clause is a word group that contains a verb and its subject and that is used as a sentence or as a part of a sentence.
I.The Clause A. The clause is a word group that contains a verb and its subject and that is used as a sentence or as a part of a sentence. B. There are two main kinds of clauses: independent (or main) and dependent (or subordinate)
I.The Clause A. The clause is a word group that contains a verb and its subject and that is used as a sentence or as a part of a sentence. B. There are two main kinds of clauses: independent (or main) and dependent (or subordinate) II. Independent Clause A. An independent clause expresses a complete thought and can stand by itself in a sentence.
I.The Clause A. The clause is a word group that contains a verb and its subject and that is used as a sentence or as a part of a sentence. B. There are two main kinds of clauses: independent (or main) and dependent (or subordinate) II. Independent Clause A. An independent clause expresses a complete thought and can stand by itself in a sentence. B. When an independent clause is alone, it is called a sentence. Usually the term independent clause is only used when it is joined with another clause.
1. He worked on the puzzle. (Sentence)
2. After he fed the cats, he worked on the puzzle. (Independent clause)
1. He worked on the puzzle. (Sentence) 2. After he fed the cats, he worked on the puzzle. (Independent clause) III. Dependent Clause
1. He worked on the puzzle. (Sentence) 2. After he fed the cats, he worked on the puzzle. (Independent clause) III. Dependent Clause A. A dependent clause does not express a complete thought and cannot stand by itself as a sentence.
1. He worked on the puzzle. (Sentence) 2. After he fed the cats, he worked on the puzzle. (Independent clause) III. Dependent Clause A. A dependent clause does not express a complete thought and cannot stand by itself as a sentence. B. A dependent clause will still have a subject and verb.
1. He worked on the puzzle. (Sentence) 2. After he fed the cats, he worked on the puzzle. (Independent clause) III. Dependent Clause A. A dependent clause does not express a complete thought and cannot stand by itself as a sentence. B. A dependent clause will still have a subject and verb. 1. if you finish on time 2. before the sun sets
1. He worked on the puzzle. (Sentence) 2. After he fed the cats, he worked on the puzzle. (Independent clause) III. Dependent Clause A. A dependent clause does not express a complete thought and cannot stand by itself as a sentence. B. A dependent clause will still have a subject and verb. 1. if you finish on time
1. He worked on the puzzle. (Sentence) 2. After he fed the cats, he worked on the puzzle. (Independent clause) III. Dependent Clause A. A dependent clause does not express a complete thought and cannot stand by itself as a sentence. B. A dependent clause will still have a subject and verb. 1. if you finish on time 2. before the sun sets
3. If you finish on time, begin your homework.
4. I need to mow the lawn before the sun sets.
3. If you finish on time, begin your homework. 4. I need to mow the lawn before the sun sets. C. Dependent clauses usually begin with words like that, if, and before. See p. 90 for more words that commonly begin dependent clauses.
Practice: for each underlined clause, write IND for independent and DEP for dependent 1.James, whose aunt once rode in the pace shuttle, is visiting this summer. 2.The doctor looked at the note that the nurse had written. 3.She walked to the garden where the flowers grow. 4.Animals that live in this ecosystem have adapted to the desert. 5.I’m not going if you are not going. 6.You were always singing when you were little. 7.Stay with us as long as you want.