Importance of Vision, Mission, and Goals Introduction of Business & Technology
Why are Vision, Mission and Goals Important To achieve success and life and business it is important for individuals to know where they are going. For success to occur, an individual or business must: Have clearly defined vision, mission, and goals. Clearly articulate the vision, mission, and goals to everyone involved.
Values The basic underlying foundation for both a mission and vision are our core values which are the principles and standards at the very center of our character, and from which we will not budge or stray Form the basis for our beliefs about life, ourselves and those around us, and the human potential of ourselves and others. Values and beliefs form our attitudes and guide our behavior. COMPLETE WHAT’S IMPORTANT & MY ROLES ACTIVITIES-SEE CHARTING YOUR COURSE-ON THE ROAD TO SUCCESS HANDOUT
Vision A statement of what or how you would like things to be. A picture of the future you’re working to create that defines: What you want the future to be What kind of life do you want What things are most important to you COMPLETE WHAT DO I WANT IN LIFE ACTIVITY-SEE CHARTING YOUR COURSE- ON THE ROAD TO SUCCESS HANDOUT
Mission Broad statement of personal or business scope, identifying the purpose and operation that distinguishes you from others A personal mission and/or business mission statement deals with questions such as: “Why are we here?”, “Why do we exist?”, “What function does the organization perform? or what is my role For whom? How?” COMPLETE PERSONAL MISSION STATEMENT ACTIVITY-SEE CHARTING YOUR COURSE-ON THE ROAD TO SUCCESS HANDOUT
Goals Goals and objectives create the bite size pieces, the road map and manageable stepping stones to achieve the mission make the vision a reality navigate the course we have set for our business, or for ourselves.
Types of Goals Short-Term: Something you want to do in the near future. 12 months or less Can mean today, this week, this month, or even this year. A short-term goal is something you want to accomplish soon. Long-Term Something you want to do further in the future. 12 months or more Not something you can do this week or even this year
Defining a Goal Specific Answers the six “W” questions (Who, what, where, when, which, and why) Measurable Criteria for measuring progress toward the attainment of each goal you set. How much, how many, how will I know when its accomplished Attainable Figure out ways you can make them come true. Consider attitudes, abilities, skills, and financial capacity to reach them. Look for opportunities to bring yourself closer to the achievement of your goals.
Defining a Goal Realistic Must embody an idea toward which you are both willing and able to work. Be sure that your goal represents substantial progress. Do we have the workforce needed to carry it out? Have we identified all needed partners? Do we have the time and commitment needed Time Bound Should be carried out within a specific time frame. With no time frame tied to it there’s no sense of urgency for its completion COMPLETE SMART GOALS ACTIVITY-SEE CHARTING YOUR COURSE-ON THE ROAD TO SUCCESS HANDOUT
Applying the Concepts- A Look Into My Future Project Based upon the knowledge you have gained in this lesson as a project create a digital portfolio using flip-snack to: Develop/present their vision, mission, and set of goals for your life now as a student, then Develop/present their vision, mission, and set of goals for your life now as an adult