Bringing Fun Back into Education Objective: lowering the barriers to youth engagement in climate policy Creating easy and fun-to-read guides to climate & environmental policy documents e.g Peeling Back the COP Putting climate & environmental policy into the context of young people Creating interest in young people to learn & contribute to climate policy governance
Leveraging on technology & youth movements Youth movements have become a formidable means of engagement for young people Communications tools are accessible to scores of young people, e.g social media, mailing lists & blogs Youth networks are the preferred way for youth in the climate movement to consolidate their efforts We have leveraged on them to crowd source services, such as translation & distribution of the Peeling Back the COP Booklet Using engaging blog posts and social media to engage more young people in climate policy
Success Stories The COP PocketBook is being used to prepare young people in African Youth Initiative on Climate Change – Kenya for climate policy engagement, especially with regards to National Climate Change Response Strategy, Kenya Climate Change Action Plan, Climate Change Bill & contributing to Kenya’s position paper for UNFCCC COP19 Challenge to Change organization in Vietnam is using COP PocketBook to teach youth on need for engaging in climate policy A climate journalist in DR Congo, working for Info-Environment, is teaching young people how to effectively engage in climate & environmental governance at the grassroots More translations in native and local languages being worked on currently, e.g Lingala in DR Congo & Nahuati in Mexico
What Next? A Youth Guide to the Green Economy is being worked on currently Tracking climate policies in Kenya from the county level to the international level in real-time Getting more young people to research & write about climate change issues and policies, mostly through blog posts and articles Creating and developing incentivised volunteering in order to encourage more young people to get involved with climate change education
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