Measuring the Antarctic Ozone Hole with the new Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) Natalya Kramarova, Paul Newman, Eric Nash, PK Bhartia, Richard.


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Presentation transcript:

Measuring the Antarctic Ozone Hole with the new Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) Natalya Kramarova, Paul Newman, Eric Nash, PK Bhartia, Richard McPeters, Didier Rault, Colin Seftor, Gordon Labow OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013

Objectives Can OMPS reasonably represent the Antarctic ozone hole? Do the metrics derived from OMPS match OMI and MLS? Is OMPS an improvement? OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013

Outline: I. Introduction II. The Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) III. Validation of OMPS measurements IV. OMPS ozone hole first results V. Conclusions OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013

OMPS NP vs OMPS LP Coincidence criteria: +/-0.5 hour, +/-1° latitude, +/-4° longitude. September –November 2012 III. Validation of OMPS measurements OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013 Biases increase for higher latitudes

SBUV vs OMPS NP September –November 2012 Coincidence criteria: +/-4 hour, +/-1° latitude, +/-5° longitude. III. Validation of OMPS measurements OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013 OMPS NP overestimates ozone compared to SBUV

OMPS LP vs Aura MLS September –November 2012 Coincidence criteria: +/-1 hour, +/-1° latitude, +/-4° longitude. III. Validation of OMPS measurements OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013

OMPS LP and Aura MLS vs Neumayer Sonde (70.6S, 8W) September –November 2012, 36 balloon measurements Coincidence criteria: 1000-km distance from the station (dist. weight. average); same day. III. Validation of OMPS measurements OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013

Aura MLS/OMPS LP vs Neumayer Sonde III. Validation of OMPS measurements OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013 OMPS LPAura MLS SONDE

OMPS TC vs OMPS NP 57.5S62.5S67.5S72.5S77.5S Bias, % Std dev % S62.5S67.5S72.5S77.5S Bias, % Std dev % OMPS NP vs SBUV NOAA18 OMPS NP vs SBUV NOAA S62.5S67.5S72.5S77.5S Bias, % Std dev % Total ozone column comparisons III. Validation of OMPS measurements OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013 Biases < 1% Standard deviation is 3-4%

IV. OMPS ozone hole first results OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013 Total ozone, October 2012

IV. OMPS ozone hole first results OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013 Total ozone, October 2012 Low values generally found inside ozone hole Higher values found outside ozone hole everywhere

OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013 IV. OMPS ozone hole first results Area of the Antarctic ozone hole based on TOMS and OMI measurements. Red bar shows an estimate from OMPS TC Antarctic ozone hole was 2 nd smallest observed in the last twenty- three years — only the major warming 2002 ozone hole was smaller OMPS compares quite well with OMI, but slightly smaller because of the high bias

IV. OMPS ozone hole first results OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013 Evolution of 2012 Antarctic ozone hole “Normal” development up to mid- September Area Minimum More rapid disappearance after mid- September

IV. OMPS ozone hole first results OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013

Location of the ozone hole center for September, October, and November IV. OMPS ozone hole first results OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013

Total ozone values following the ozone hole IV. OMPS ozone hole first results OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013

Ozone profile following the ozone hole’s center IV. OMPS ozone hole first results OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013

Strong depletion of ozone in the km region IV. OMPS ozone hole first results OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013

Lowest total ozone value reached about Oct. 1 IV. OMPS ozone hole first results OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013

Lowest profile value reached about Oct. 11 IV. OMPS ozone hole first results OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013

Strong build-up of ozone in the middle stratosphere leads to overall ozone increase IV. OMPS ozone hole first results OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013

Large ozone loss sharpens the vertical gradient. The gradient’s altitude is related to the Cl levels. As Cl declines, the gradient should move to lower altitudes. IV. OMPS ozone hole first results OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013

IV. OMPS ozone hole first results OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013

+ + + = IV. OMPS ozone hole first results OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013 High ozone concentration in the lowermost stratosphere Clear signs of ozone depletion in the upper layer

IV. OMPS ozone hole first results OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013 The 3 layers show depletions by mid-September Deep ozone hole

IV. OMPS ozone hole first results OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013 Area of the hole decreases Deep ozone hole Total ozone min ~ 1 Oct.

IV. OMPS ozone hole first results OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013 Notable decrease of the hole area in middle and upper stratosphere Min ozone at mid Oct Signs of ozone recovery

IV. OMPS ozone hole first results OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013 Ozone hole splits

IV. OMPS ozone hole first results OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013 Ozone increasing in all 3 layers Total ozone shows a rapid increase by late-November Ozone increasing in all 3 layers Total ozone shows a rapid increase by late-November

V. Conclusions (1) OMPS suite began routine operations in – OMPS is derived from the strong heritage of UV-Vis satellite instruments that extend from the 1970s; – Will become the standard ozone monitoring instrument aboard the US polar orbiting satellites. OMPS performs quite reasonably. – direct comparisons of OMPS TC to the OMI column observations show differences of <1%; – comparisons of the ozone profiles obtained from OMPS LP and NP with the profiles from the Aura MLS, SBUV, and ozone sondes show good agreement (biases <5-8% and std dev <5-10%) in the vertical range km; – good agreements between OMPS TC and OMI on estimates of the average minimum ozone and ozone hole area. OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013

V. Conclusions (2) 2012 ozone hole – 2 nd smallest since weakest ozone hole was 2002 – driven by the first observed major SSW observed in the SH; – Early development (Aug. to mid-Sep.) was normal – still plenty of Cl and Br for ozone loss. In the lower stratosphere, large losses seen in the LP from early Sep. to about 11 Oct. Ozone near zero at 16 km altitude by Oct. 11. Lowest column seen about Oct.1. Very strong vertical gradient develops by early October; – Extremely high values of ozone seen in upper stratosphere by Mid-October as ozone is advected over Antarctica; – Ozone hole disappeared (late-Sep to Nov) quite rapidly in comparison to the ozone holes in the last 20-year period, because of the strong wave dynamics, faster warming during Austral spring, and stronger advection. OMPS meeting, June 6, 2013