H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS1 t-slope: H1 FPS HERA II DESY 10-095 H1 FPS HERA II t-slope as a function of β,Q 2,x IP (108 data points) ─ Regge fit IP+IR to σ r D(4)


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Presentation transcript:

H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS1 t-slope: H1 FPS HERA II DESY H1 FPS HERA II t-slope as a function of β,Q 2,x IP (108 data points) ─ Regge fit IP+IR to σ r D(4)

H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS2 t-slope: ZEUS LPS 2 DESY ZEUS LPS 2 t-slope as a function of M x, Q 2, x IP (34 data points) -- average value b=6.95 GeV -2

H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS3 t-slope as a function of x IP ─ Linear fit only to ZEUS LPS2 t-slope data (34 data points, DESY ) B(x IP ) = β + α∙ln(x IP ) χ 2 / ndf = 47/32 (~1.48) Δ ZEUS LPS2 t-slope averaged over M x,Q 2 with w=1/δ tot 2

H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS4 t-slope as a function of x IP ─ Linear fit to all H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS t-slope data (153 data points) H1 FPS HERA II (108 data points, DESY ) H1 FPS HERA I (6 data points, DESY ) ZEUS LPS 2 (34 data points, DESY ) ZEUS LPS 1 (5 data points, DESY ) B(x IP ) = β + α∙ln(x IP ) → H1 FPS HERA II data dominate in the fit χ 2 / ndf = 261/151 (~1.73)

H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS5 t-slope as a function of x IP Possible combination of t-slopes for σ r D(3) extrapolation to |t|<1GeV 2 : ─ ZEUS LPS 2 linear fit ─ H1 FPS HERA II Regge IP+IR fit ─ average t-slope: H1 FPS HERA II +ZEUS LPS 2 ½ difference between H1 and ZEUS → uncertainty of σ r D(3) extrapolation to |t|<1GeV 2

H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS6 H1 E had scale shift for x IP <0.01 x IP = x IP = log 10 β Linear Y scale H1 FPS log 10 β-bin limits: -3.0, -2.5, -2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, 0.0 E had -7% → MC hadron energy scale shifted at -1.75δ relative to default MC for 2 lower x IP bins β = Q 2 / (Q 2 + M x 2 )

H1 FPS + ZEUS LPS7 H1 E had scale shift for x IP <0.01 x IP = x IP = log 10 β LogY scale H1 FPS log 10 β - bin limits: -3.0, -2.5, -2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, 0.0 E had -7% → MC hadron energy scale shifted at -1.75δ relative to default MC for 2 lower x IP bins