W ELCOME TO M ATH K-2 I NTEGRATION Please Sign In Take out your Namecard from yesterday, or make one if you were not here Work on the “Sections” activity on your desk
S OME THOUGHTS ON CC… It is the research base (how understanding of the core concepts and essential skills of mathematics typically develop over time when supported by high quality, targeted instruction), not standards that have driven this work. We have not simply rearranged’ the standards. It is our hope that with a better understanding of how to apply the research to classroom practice (instruction and assessment) teachers will be better able to prepare all students to be productive citizens in the 21st century world beyond high school.
R EVIEW Y ESTERDAY Architecture and navigating the standards Unwrapping Standards Cognitive Demand Mathematical Practices
S TANDARDS S ORT Review Cognitive Demand Sort your standards by highest CD required in the standard What do you notice about the standards?
V IDEO Review the Mathematical Practices—notes What MP do you see in the video? What CD do you see in the video? What does the teacher do to increase the CD?
I NCREASING C OGNITIVE D EMAND Billy is 42 in. tall and is wearing a hat that is 8 in. tall. How tall is Billy with the hat? What CD is this question? How can we make it a higher level of CD?
F OUR I NTERRELATED G UIDING P RINCIPLES OF L EARNING P ROGRESSIONS (LP S ) LPs are developed (and refined) using available research and evidence LPs have clear binding threads that articulate the essential core concepts and processes of a discipline (sometimes called the ‘big ideas’ of the discipline) LPs articulate movement toward increased understanding (meaning deeper, broader, more sophisticated understanding) LPs go hand-in-hand with well-designed and aligned assessments
P ROGRESSIONS Read just your grade level section Highlight the 3 biggest ideas in your area Collaborate with your group to agree on 3 big ideas
A PPENDIX A, B, C CRITICAL!!! The progression of how students learn These types of problems: Build number sense They increase the CD They address multiple entry points They provide complete learning of the concept
C REATE P ROBLEMS Write 3 problems, one for each level: Unknown End Value Unknown Middle Value Unknown Start Value
S TANDARDS S ORT Sort Standards by things that can be taught together. E.g. Multiplying Fractions and finding area of rectangles using fractions and decimals DO NOT group by domain or cluster alone.
L ET ’ S W ORK ON P LANNING Start with your first unit (or what you would most likely start with) Break the standards into groups of concepts/order for the unit. Begin to “unwrap” the first set of standards together on your organizer
L ESSONS Tomorrow you will present a short lesson (10 min) Use new standards Focus on Cognitive Demand and using at least 1 Mathematical Practice Sign up for the standard you will teach