Ph.D. Study in Economics: Completion & Labor Market Outcomes Wendy A. Stock, Ph.D. Professor and Co-Department Head Department of Agricultural Economics & Economics
Two Studies 1. Graduate Education 2. Labor Market Outcomes
Graduate Education Study Goal Identify factors associated with attrition & completion
Race & Ethnicity Total: 586 White: 278 Not Reported: 188 Asian :83 Other: 31 Black: 6
Race & Ethnicity Total: 586 Non-Hispanic: 380 Not Reported: 170 Hispanic: 36
Other Factors associated with ↓ Attrition Quantitative & Verbal GRE Scores Undergraduate degree in econ/math Attended foreign or top-50 foreign undergrad Having financial aid in the first year
Other Factors associated with ↑ Completion Male Attended Top-60 liberal arts undergrad Attended foreign or top-50 foreign undergrad Not undergrad in econ
Career Outcomes Study Goal Document initial, early, mid- career outcomes for Ph.D.s in economics
Career Outcomes Study Longitudinal Data on graduating class of Three Waves: 1997, 2003, 2008
Ph.D. Study in Economics: Completion & Labor Market Outcomes Wendy A. Stock, Ph.D. Professor and Co-Department Head Department of Agricultural Economics & Economics