Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived ? Section B.


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Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?

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Presentation transcript:

Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived ? Section B

cook a meal at this time yesterday He cook at this time yesterday. Let’s talk was ing

Let’s talk play football at four o’clock last Friday He play football at four o’clock last Friday. wasing

Let’s talk have a class yesterday afternoon They a class yesterday afternoon. were have ing hav

Let’s talk ride a horse at nine last Sunday He a horse at nine last Sunday. was ing riderid

Let’s talk run at 5 o’clock last Monday They at 5 o’clock last Monday were runn run ing

What was he/she doing when the teacher came in? He/She was drawing a cat. What were they doing while the teacher was teaching them? They were drawing a car. What were you doing at ten yesterday. I was drawing an elephant.

They’re climbing a tree. climb

He’s shouting. shout

jump down He is jumping down.

The man is scared. scared scary The snake is scary.

The boy is shouting. The man is climbing a tree. He is jumping down.The man is scared.

1. Match the sentences with the pictures. 1.___ He’s scared. 2.___ It’s climbing a tree. 3.___ It’s jumping down. 4.___ She’s shouting. c b a d

2a Listen. Check ( ) the six things you hear in the chart. Action 1. saw a cat in a tree 2. called the newspaper 3. called the TV station 4. took a photo 5. said “Good boy!” 6. was too scared 7. called the police 8. rode his bicycle

a. the newspaper reporter d. the woman b. the man e. John c. the cat f. the police officer ActionWho 1. saw a cat in a tree5. said “Good boy!” 2. called the newspaper 6. was too scared 3. called the TV station 7. called the police 4. took a photo8. rode his bicycle e c b d f a

Boy :What a day I had! Girl :Tell me about it, John. Boy :Well, while I was walking to school I saw a cat in a tree. It was really scared. Girl :What did you do? Boy: I climbed the tree. Girl: And you got the cat. Boy: Nope. While I was climbing the tree, a man saw me. It was his tree and he shouted at me. So I stopped climbing. Girl: What about the cat?

Boy: It wanted to jump down. But it was too scared. Girl: Then what happened? Boy: Then the man called the police. And while he was calling the police, a woman called the newspaper. Girl: What did you do? Boy: I jumped down from the tree. And then the cat jumped down too. Girl: That’s good. Boy: And then the police officer and the newspaper reporter arrived. The police officer said, “Good boy!” And the newspaper reporter took a photo to put in the newspaper.

Girl :That’s great! Boy: Yes, but while he was taking the photo, the cat went up the tree again. Girl: What did you do? Boy: What do you think?

A: While John was walking to school B: While John was walking to school, he saw a cat in a tree. C: While John was climbing the tree…………….. Climb the tree see John take the photo go up the tree Call the police call the newspaper Game

1.What was Linda doing when Davy ran away? 2. Why couldn’t Linda see Davy? 3. Where was Davy while Linda was looking for him? 4. What happened while Linda was on the telephone? 5. What was Davy doing when Linda finally saw him? Linda was buying a newspaper at the train station. Linda couldn’t see Davy because the station was crowded. Davy was outside the station. Davy met another dog outside the station. Davy was jumping and running with another dog.

将下面故事排序 A. Mary got up at seven o’clock. B. And then she was doing her homework while her mom was cleaning the room. C. After breakfast, she began to study for the tests. D. When her mom made breakfast, she was listening to English. E. At last, Mary and her mom decided to go shopping in the afternoon. (Answers: A D C B E)

语言竞技场 This is Linda

( 警察与小偷 ) Klp,gvl,h;l,

Pair work A woman lost her bike yesterday morning, the policeman wants to know “what were you doing ?” P: what were you doing yesterday morning ? A: I was … P: …

when “ 当 … 的时候 ” ,是 at that time 的意思,表示做某种动作的 时间或瞬间。常与一般现在时或一般过去时连用。 When winter comes, the weather gets colder and colder. 当冬天来临时,天气变得越来越冷。 When Linda saw Davy, he was jumping with another dog. 当 Linda 看到 Davy 时,他正和另一只狗一起蹦跳着。 while “ 当 … 的时候 ” ,是 during the time 的意思,表示略长的一 段时间。常与现在进行时或过去进行时连用。 Mr. White was reading a newspaper while he was waiting for a bus. 怀特先生边等车边看报。 I am doing my homework while my mother is cooking. 我做作业的时候,我妈妈在做饭。 see sb. do sth. 强调 “ 看见整个行动,或整个事件或行为的全过程 ” 。 I saw them cross the road. 我看见他们过了马路。 see sb. doing sth. 强调 “ 看见行动或事件正在进行 ” 。 I saw them crossing the road. 我看见他们正在过马路。