Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune1 Status of TRANSP and PTRANSP Presented at APS-DPP 2009, Nov. 2--6, 2009 *Supported by U.S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC02-09CH11466
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune2 Abstract – GP D. McCune, R. Andre, E. Feibush, M. Gorelenkova, K. Indireshkumar, C. Ludescher-Furth, L. Randerson, PPPL*, G. Bateman, A. Kritz, Lehigh University – This poster describes the status of TRANSP and PTRANSP code development and run production operations. Production rates continue to climb as new users and tokamaks are added; statistics will be shown, including utilization of the recently added TRANSP MPI capability. New code features include greatly expanded flexibility in specification of transport models for density, temperature, and angular momentum profile prediction in PTRANSP runs. A new replay option enables retrieval of sources from TRANSP analysis runs for PTRANSP validation. TRANSP / PTRANSP free boundary MHD modeling options have been enhanced. New RF modeling capabilities, such as the ability to model ICRF with full toroidal mode spectrum, have been added. NUBEAM upgrades include improvements to deposition atomic physics and loss orbit distribution capture. Fusion Grid post-processing of TRANSP results has been improved using extraction of SWIM-SciDAC Plasma State files from TRANSP archives. Opportunities for PTRANSP Support of SciDAC and FSP will be presented. *PPPL work performed under auspices of DOE contract DE-AC02-76CH03073
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune3 TRANSP: Vision Statement Provide a comprehensive end-to-end modeling capability for magnetic confinement fusion energy experiments of today and tomorrow.
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune4 Traditional TRANSP: Overview Preliminary data Analysis and Preparation (largely automated) Diagnostic Hardware Experiments (Asdex-U, C-Mod, DIII-D, ITER, JET, KSTAR, MAST, NSTX) signals {f(t), f(x,t)} Plasma position, Shape, Temperatures, Densities Field, Current, RF and Beam Injected Powers. TRANSP Analysis*: Current diffusion, MHD equilibrium, fast ions, heating, current drive; power, particle and momentum balance. Experiment simulation Output Database ~ signals {f(t), f(x,t)} Visualization Load Relational Databases Detailed (3d) time-slice physics simulations: GS2, ORBIT, M3D… *FusionGrid TRANSP on PPPL servers Pre- and Post-processing at the experimental site… MDS+
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune5 PPPL TRANSP Run Production* Fusion Grid TRANSP *Not shown in graphic: independent run production at JET site (approximately 1000 runs per year). **59 NUBEAM/TRANSP production runs with MPI, up to 16p.
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune6 PPPL TRANSP SERVICE FY-2005 – FY-2009 (Five Years) *~4000 additional JET runs on JET production server over same period Total Runs
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune7 FY-2009 PPPL TRANSP Team NameTRANSPPTRANSPSciDACOther R. Andre70%30% Marina G.100% Kumar65%35% McCune25%35%20% Feibush20%15%65% Ludescher80%10% Randerson60%40% Total FTE Color code: Physics, Visualization, Engineering/ Operational Support
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune8 TRANSP Staffing Level Staff levels still insufficient: –Cannot promptly meet short term code development requests of production users; –Long term development projects have lagged. Main reason: production system support. –Trouble-shooting 100s of crashed runs. –Detailed answers to 1000s of user queries. New hire in FY-2009: Marina Gorelenkova. –Financed by experimental projects: big help.
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune9 A Cautionary Note for FSP Production support very labor intensive! Immediate user needs take precedence. –FTEs for long term development = Total FTEs less FTEs for support at best. –It’s worse than this, due to nature of support: Repeated interruptions; Numerous short term, urgent, unplanned tasks; User’s research dependent on speedy completion; Highly disruptive to long term planning and effort. [P]TRANSP code development suffers.
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune10 Separate Production Support and Code Development Roles? Might work for a sufficiently large team. But, support personnel need knowledge similar to that of code authors. Trouble shooting crashed runs = response to user “beta testing” of research code. Integral part of “Validation & Verification”. Code developer involvement is important.
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune11 A Day in the Life: Oct. 20, 2009 (zero new lines of code) Detailed exchange: –JET physicist query, momentum balance terms. –TRANSP extracted Plasma States for GA. –Ideas for NUBEAM simulation of mode induced diffusion of fast ions. –FMCFM module design for PTRANSP, FSP, etc. –NUBEAM development planning (ADAS commit). –SWIM progress report for FY-2009 for DOE. More s: –NUBEAM failure in MST- RFP simulations. –Diagnosis of TRANSP output system failure, 160GB ITER file (output time step too small). –NSTX physicist query, fast ion trapping definition. –Help sought, debug DIII-D “Coppi-Tang” predictions. –Cursory review, two co- authored papers. –Join FSP “frameworks” list.
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune12 New for Users This Year Fusion Grid NUBEAM, MPI up to 16p: –ADAS atomic physics: state excitation effects on neutral beam deposition. –New current shielding option: Y.R. Lin-Liu, F.L. Hinton, Phys. Plasmas 4 (1997) –New times of interest OUTTIM(…): Both GC & FLR computed slowing down ion fb(…); Detailed deposition distribution function data; Distribution data on lost orbits. All available using GET_FBM. Same NUBEAM in SciDACs: CSWIM, FACETs –MPI Scaling to ~1024p, ptcls/cpu.
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune13 New for Users This Year NUBEAM_Fgen – see C. Stark, JP8.0060: –Replay NUBEAM calculation over short time window; produce data file for GET_FBM. –ElVis (Fusion Grid) User Interface; –Start from any existing NBI TRANSP run, any time of interest; replay using Plasma States… –Choose particle statistics (NPTCLS); –Choose number of CPUs up to 16; –SULI summer project. PTRANSP Free Boundary MHD equilibrium –Details below…
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune14 New for Users This Year Plasma State based heating and current drive source replay: –TRANSP rerun using sources from prior run. –Sample application (PTRANSP): test transport model variations, holding sources fixed. “Steerable” namelist quantities. Two production versions: tshare & pshare: –Latest code in tshare; tested version in pshare. Prompt input data error checking –At job queuing time; save queue waits.
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune15 Technical Progress (Code Not Ready for Users) New RF-related Modules: –MPI-TORIC, GENRAY, CQL3D. –See GP (next door). –TORIC Toroidal Mode Spectrum is available. PTRANSP –Density prediction: tested, some aspects OK, still needs work. –Control Upgrades (being implemented): Choice of solver algorithm Choice of summed transport models Axial, Confinement & Edge plasma regions…
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune16 Details: ADAS in NUBEAM Figure from “ADAS in Fafner and TRANSP/ NUBEAM” – Michael Kraus et al, October 2009 ADAS Workshop. Asdex-U n(0) ~ 1.2e20 m**-3 NBI source #1 ADAS atomic physics – correction for atomic state excitation – now available in NUBEAM for H-isotope neutral beams Significant change from ground state for high target densities (shown). Improvement over legacy excitation model Janev, C.D. Boley, D.E. Post, Nucl. Fusion Vol. 29, No. 12, pp (1989) Collaboration: PPPL & IPP/Garching
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune17 Details: Isolver Free Boundary Solver Isolver is a free boundary equilibrium solver originally written by J. Menard in IDL and rewritten in Fortran for use in TRANSP/PTRANSP. Development of free boundary capabilities proceeding in stages: –EFIT analysis: Completed Isolver analyzes psi(R,Z) from EFIT time slices used as input to TRANSP to find flux surface representation, separatrix, X points, … –Least squares coil currents (original Isolver mode): Completed Isolver determines the poloidal field coil currents which will best match a prescribed boundary. –Measured coil currents: 70% Complete Isolver uses the measured poloidal field coil currents along with a feedback circuit to keep the plasma centered in the vessel. –Passive structures: 30% Complete The measured poloidal field coil currents are used along with a circuit equation to include the currents induced in the nearby passive structures. –Flux Diffusion: To Be Done The poloidal field diffusion equation, which is used to evolve the plasma q, is coupled to the equilibrium solver. The poloidal field coil currents are driven through a circuit equation to best match the measured coil currents. –Plasma current prediction: To Be Done The plasma current is predicted from the circuit equation. The drive voltage of the ohmic coils is chosen to match a prescribed plasma current waveform.
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune18 Isolver: EFIT Analysis EFIT psi(R,Z,t) slice data is input to TRANSP/PTRANSP –LEVGEO=8 mode in TRANSP/PTRANSP for prescribed equilibrium data. –New NLPSIRZ_FLUX=.TRUE. mode uses psi(R,Z,t) input to evaluate flux surfaces. Isolver determines flux surface based on location of X points and limiter surface. –Flux surface representation returned to TRANSP/PTRANSP is displaced in from separatrix to avoid singularities. –Separate analysis is performed with boundary at separatrix to evaluate enclosed flux and self inductance Li. Available for any tokamak with EFIT and limiter data. For application to D3D, see Budny et al. APS poster JP , Tuesday afternoon session.
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune19 Isolver: Least Squares Mode Fit coil currents to best match prescribed boundary. Coil currents can be adjusted freely, fixed to measured data or constrained by measured data. Coil geometry currently available for NSTX and D3D. –D3D example in Budny, et al. JP poster. ITER coil geometry awaits TRANSP/PTRANSP output pipeline upgrade to accommodate large amount of psi(R,Z,t) data. Note: Ohmic coil current KK_OH left unconstrained and became nonzero only during the part of the shot where Isolver had difficulty finding a solution. NSTX
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune20 Isolver: Measured Coil Currents Mode Measured poloidal coil currents drive Isolver coil currents. Feedback circuits position the plasma. –Stabilizes plasma against vertical and horizontal motion. –Feedback circuit currents are added to measured coil currents. –Prescribed boundary is used to identify feedback points for centering the plasma. Horizontal feedback point Vertical feedback point Horizontal feedback current source Vertical feedback current source DIII-D
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune21 Details: Updatable Namelist Variables TimeNBIECHTotal Namelist variables designated with tilda (“~”) in TRANSP’s port.spec are “updatable”. For example: beam and RF powers. Hypothetical application: [main namelist] … … nantech=1 ! 1 gyrotron nbeam=2 ! 2 beams powech=0.0 pinja=2*0.0 ~update_time = 80.0 powech=40.0e6 pinja=17.0,17.0 ~update_time = powech=30.0 pinja=0.0,17.0 … … [etc.]
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune22 Details: Running MPI NUBEAM In Namelist, set: –NBI_PSERVE = 1 Command line job setup as before –tr_start [tshare] –It will ask you how many CPUs (Np)? –Note: Np > 16 likely to result in long queue wait. In the near future: –NTORIC_PSERVE = 1 will be available.
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune23 ElVis/Java Fusion Grid Services Available Services*: –Nubeam_Fgen, get fast ion distrib. fcn. –Get_fbm, view fast ion distrib. fcn. –Cstate, view Plasma State file. –Rplot, view TRANSP run results. –ElFresco, compute reflectometry Recent Changes: –Nubeam_Fgen, Cstate, and Get_fbm are new. –Rplot: MDS+ run selector panel; Script editor; Arrow Key command line recall. –Heavy use of ElFresco service. *partial list
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune24 ElVis/Rplot
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune25 I-phone Has an App for that… TRANSP Fusion Grid Users can access these services…
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune26 Future Plans Continue Run Production & Support. Develop RF Modules with MPI. Further Develop MPI NUBEAM. Develop Free Boundary MHD Equilibrium. Develop GUIs– ElVis/Java Services. PTRANSP / FSP / SciDACs: –PTRANSP winding down, much work needed. –Level of effort going forward is unclear. –Note: ITER task agreements need PTRANSP.
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune27 1d Transport Solver Compatible with PTRANSP, FSP, SciDACs… Control Object(s): Choice of Solver Choice of Transport Models Options P0: Plasma Past time step geometry Past time step profiles P1: Plasma new geometry new input profiles missing profiles => equations to solve new boundary conditions sources (heating, fueling). Portable Solver Module FMCFM Collection of transport models: NCLASS GLF23 MMM95 MMM08 TGLF etc., etc. New profiles Current Status: PTRANSP generates P0 and P1 Question: Shall we build the rest of this?
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune28 Opportunity to Take Advantage of TRANSP Legacy Plasma State Time Series from SciDAC/FSP Simulation Includes Machine Description TRANSP Namelist Time Dependent Equilibrium & Profiles & Sources TRANSP Analysis TRANSP Output Dataset Access to Physics Modules that start with TRANSP data, including many first principles codes. Question: Shall we build the rest of this? Status: Replay Mode demonstrated transfer of sources from Plasma State time series.
Nov. 2, 2009D. McCune29 Summary Continued heavy research production use of TRANSP and PTRANSP. Continued Active Development Program –But some developments are “behind schedule”. PTRANSP funding & work coming to end. –Some goals not met, but, continuation of PTRANSP activity could help FSP & SciDACS. –ITER task agreements depend on PTRANSP. The current TRANSP staff is stretched thin, mainly due to production support.