What is a vision statement? How is it drawn up? What are the benefits?
Consult and discuss Collect and tabulate Present and prioritise Refine Draft Publish
What do you hope the children will have achieved by the time they leave this school? AcademicAesthetic PhysicalCultural MoralSocial EmotionalPersonal SpiritualOther
1. What do you think this school should offer to provide an ideal learning environment for the children? 2. How do you think you can help us to make this possible?
Children in 2 nd class are asked to complete the following sentence I learn best when... Children are asked to make a list of Things I would like to have learned by the time I leave 2 nd class
Arrive at a consensus statement Express vision in the form of an aspiration to which all members of the school community can relate
Circulate to all parties for final approval Publish
Vision Our vision is that all children and all staff realise their full potential in a safe, happy, stimulating and Christian environment.
Moral compass/clear direction Clarity and unity of purpose Inspires and energises Shared values and beliefs Touchstone Avoidance/management of conflict Nurtures individual and collective responsibility