Chapter 11 Planning Meals Part 2 The Management of Food Note: This chapter covers the following four goals of meal planning: providing good nutrition, using planned spending, preparing satisfying meals, and controlling the use of time and energy. This presentation displays the text objective related to each of these topics, followed by information to help students achieve the objective.
Objective Discuss: What is the advantage of planning meals over simply grabbing whatever happens to be in the refrigerator or cupboard at mealtime? Plan nutritious menus using meal patterns based on MyPyramid.
Meal Patterns A meal pattern outlines the basic foods served at a meal. A MyPyramid meal pattern for teens includes: Discuss: What are some examples of foods in each food group that might be served for breakfast? grains group: 2-3 oz eq vegetable group: 1-1½ cups fruit group: ½-1 cup milk group: 1 cup meat and beans group: 2-2½ oz eq
Planning a Meal 1. Choose the main dish. 2. Select the grain foods. 3. Select one or two vegetable side dishes. 4. Choose the salad. 5. Select the dessert and/or first course. 6. Plan a beverage. Discuss: How would you carry out steps 4, 5, and 6 to complete the meal shown here according to the MyPyramid meal pattern? courtesy of National Pork Board
What’s Missing? breakfast lunch dinner snack photo courtesy of Fleischmann’s Yeast photo courtesy of Fleischmann’s Yeast dinner Discuss: What foods would you add to each of these meals to make sure your nutritional needs for the day are met according to MyPyramid? snack courtesy of National Pork Board photo courtesy of Fleischmann’s Yeast
Objective Prepare a family food budget. Discuss: When have you needed to save money before being able to make a desired purchase? Why is it worthwhile to spend time planning how family income will be used to buy food? Prepare a family food budget.
Factors Affecting Food Needs Activities Size Sex Age Discuss: What types of activities would increase a family member’s food needs? How do size, sex, and age affect food needs? Do you need more or less food than other members of your family? Why?
Factors Affecting Food Purchases Family income Meal manager’s budgeting skills Meal manager’s shopping skills Meal manager’s time Family food preferences Family values Discuss: How would the amount of money a family has to spend for food affect the types of foods the family buys? What types of shopping skills could help a meal manager make the best use of his or her money? What types of foods might a meal manager with limited time be more likely to purchase? How might family values affect the types of foods a family buys?
Preparing a Food Budget A budget is a plan for managing how you spend the money you receive. To prepare a budget 1. record average monthly income 2. list monthly fixed expenses and the cost of each 3. list flexible expenses and their estimated costs 4. compare the total of fixed and flexible expenses with income Discuss: What is income? What is the difference between a fixed expense and a flexible expense? If expenses are greater than income, what types of adjustments could be made to balance the budget?
Reducing Food Expenses Choose lower-priced meats. Use dried milk. Buy medium-sized eggs. Select canned and frozen fruits and vegetables when fresh are not in season. Discuss: Where do you buy food other than the grocery store? How can you save money when buying food in these places? Buy unsweetened cereals and store brand breads. Limit use of convenience products and snack foods. Use coupons and take advantage of store specials.
Apply It! Your family’s monthly income is $2,900. Your fixed expenses total $1,940 per month. Your flexible expenses total $1,120. You are currently spending about $350 a month for food at the grocery store. Discuss: How much are you currently spending each week at the grocery store? What will your new weekly limit be for food at the grocery store? What could you do to save money on food purchases? What is the current difference between your income and expenses? If you cut one-fourth of this difference from your food expenses, what will your monthly grocery budget be?
Objective Discuss: When you sit down to eat a meal, how does the appearance of the food affect your appetite? Plan menus with an appealing variety of flavors, colors, textures, shapes, sizes, and temperatures.
Flavors Choose flavor combinations that complement one another. Avoid repeating similar flavors. Avoid serving two or more sweet, spicy, or bland dishes together. Discuss: What side dishes might be served to complement the spicy flavor of the barbecued ribs shown here? courtesy of National Pork Board
Colors Choose colors that provide a pleasing contrast. Use garnishes to add color. Discuss: How would the appeal of the meal shown here be affected if the food were served on a white plate and if only white beans were used to top the meat? courtesy of National Pork Board
Textures Serve foods in combinations that have texture contrasts. Plan a balance of soft and solid foods. Avoid serving two or more chopped, creamed, or mashed dishes together. Discuss: What ingredients add interesting texture to the salad shown here? What foods might be served with this salad to provide additional texture contrasts? What food textures do you find most and least appealing? courtesy of National Pork Board
Shapes and Sizes Avoid serving several foods made up of small pieces. Choose foods with various shapes and sizes. Discuss: What shapes are used to give the meal shown here an interesting appearance? What other factors add to the appeal of this meal? courtesy of National Pork Board
Temperatures Plan foods that provide pleasing temperature contrasts. Serve hot foods hot and cold foods cold. Discuss: How are temperature contrasts created in the meal shown here? Besides appetite appeal, what is another reason for serving hot and cold foods at the appropriate temperatures? courtesy of National Pork Board
Objective Discuss: What are resources? Why is it important for meal managers to use resources wisely? Describe resources a meal manager can use as alternatives to time and energy.
Eating Out and Money Choose nutritious menu items when eating out. Limit frequency of eating out to meet spending goals. Buy ready-made foods. Buy efficient kitchen appliances. Hire help. Discuss: What is a disadvantage of frequently using these meal management resources as alternatives to time and energy?
Knowledge and Skills Learn when, where, and how to shop for value. Learn how to creatively prepare a variety of foods. Learn how to efficiently organize a kitchen. Discuss: How can meal managers obtain these resources? Which of these resources do you feel you most need to acquire?
Technology and Time Use a computer to plan menus, store recipes, and save shopping lists. Use convenience foods. Take time to organize the kitchen for efficiency. Make the most of cooking time by preparing extra food to freeze for later use. Discuss: What are the advantages and disadvantages of using convenience foods? How can a well-organized kitchen help save meal preparation time? What types of foods freeze well for later use?
How will you use available resources to plan meals for your family? Key Question Note: Encourage students to use this question to help them review chapter information and apply it to their lives. How will you use available resources to plan meals for your family?
Other Questions to Consider What adjustments must be made when planning meals for people with special dietary needs? What are some work simplification techniques that can help meal managers control their use of time? What steps will help conserve resources in the kitchen? Discuss: What other questions did this chapter raise that you would like to explore?