Present and Future of Thai Academic Libraries ดร. มลิวัลย์ ประดิษฐ์ธีระ มหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต
Our Present
Library as An Ideal Organization
Budget/cost management Professional development Information resource development Technology infrastructure investment InputProcessOutputOutcome Process reengineering/ restructuring Quality management (ISO, IQA, TQM, Benchmarking PDCA, etc.) Logistics, supply chain management Moving by IT Marketing, Image creation (Branding & Rebranding) Corporate Social Responsibility Community service Quality organization Library Service and usage survey (expectation, perception and satisfaction) Cost effectiveness analysis Knowledge creation and dissemination
High level of Expectations
User Expectation Perfect collection Excellent services Beautiful and lively place Physical & virtual accessibilities Friendly and helpful library staff Modern technology Etc.
Institutional Expectation Teaching & learning support Effective budget management Efficient library staff And compared with other libraries, WE ARE BETTER or THE BEST
Community Expectation Community services Local Knowledge Collection Local expertise directory Local museum and archive
Social Expectation Knowledge society Symbol Life long learning place Reading & Literacy promotion Knowledge & Cultural center
Library is the Ideas Business* Quoted from a session on the Future of Libraries, a Sense of Urgency, sponsored by the Office of Information Technology Policy (OITP) of ALA’s Washington Office. ALA COnference 2008, Anaheim,CA
Not Grocery stores but Kitchens Not only Information but also ideas for living (Knowledge/wisdoms)
Not Library users but Members Not only services but also relationship creation and retention Not only current users, but also future users
Our Future & Challenges
Road to excellence is never ended Keep walking…but you will never walk alone We need connection, partners, consortium, collaboration, cooperation…
Q & A Thank You