60 Ferebee Enterprises International, LLC Global Female Empowerment o/ c
Facts About Addiction 23.5 million Americans live in recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs. (NYS Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services / The Partnership for Drug-Free Kids) 350 people die each day from a drug overdose or alcohol-related death. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ) 22 million Americans meet criteria for a substance use disorder. (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration – SAMHSA) More Americans die from drug overdoses than in car crashes. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) In 2009, The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) formally declared an end to the 40 year long policy of fighting a “War on Drugs,” explicitly stating that we cannot arrest our way out our Nation’s drug problem. Ferebee Enterprises International, LLC Global Female Empowerment o/ c
From Addiction Ferebee Enterprises International, LLC Global Female Empowerment o/ c WESTBURY SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL
To Recovery Ferebee Enterprises International, LLC Global Female Empowerment o/ c
Ferebee Enterprises International, LLC Global Female Empowerment o/ c