2011 Bucks, Bulls and Once-in-a-Lifetime Permit Number Recommendations
2011 General Season and Limited Entry Deer Permits
2010 General Season Deer Harvest Success 2009 % Success 2010 % Success ArchMuzzRifleOverallArchMuzzRifleOverall C NE N SE S Statewide
General Season Harvest Trends
Fawn Production Trends Fawns/100 Does
Buck:Doe Ratio Trends Bucks:100 Does (On General Season Public Land Units) 15:100
Post Season Buck:Doe Ratios General Season Public Land Units RegionObjective Average Northern Northeastern Central Southeastern Southern
2011 General Season Deer Permit Recommendations Region 2010 Permits 2011 Permits Archery (Statewide) 16,00016,000 Northern19,00019,000 (Combo deer/elk) (Combo deer/elk)2,0002,000 Northeastern13,00011,000 Central13,00013,000 Southeastern13,00012,000 Southern18,00016,000 TOTAL94,00089,000
Premium Limited Entry Deer Units UnitObjective Avg. Henry Mountains Henry Mountains Paunsaugunt Paunsaugunt UnitObjective Avg. Henry Mountains Henry Mountains 40%-55% > 538%47%64%50% Paunsaugunt Paunsaugunt 40%-55% > 537%50%43% This objective is used to set management buck permits This objective is used to set Premium LE buck permits % Bucks in the Harvest 5 Years and Older % Bucks in the Harvest 5 Years and Older Post Season Buck to Doe Ratio
2011 Premium Limited Entry Deer Permit Recommendations 2010 Permits 2011 Permits ResidentNonResTotalResidentNonResTotal Antelope Island Henry Mtns. Archery Archery Any Weapon Any Weapon Muzzleloader Muzzleloader Total Total Paunsagunt Archery Archery Any Weapon Any Weapon Muzzleloader Muzzleloader Total Total
2011 Premium Limited Entry Management Buck Deer Permit Recommendations 2010 Permits 2011 Permits ResidentNon-Res. TotalResidentNon-Res.Total Henry Mountains Paunsaugunt There is a base number of permits that are allocated on each unit based on population 10 permits for the Henry Mountains 30 permits for the Paunsaugunt Permits can be added to this base if buck to do ratio rises above 50 bucks per 100 does Henry Mountains buck:doe ratio is 59 so 30 permits are recommended Paunsaugunt buck:doe ratio is 51 so 75 permits are recommended
Limited Entry Deer Units Post-Season Buck to Doe Ratio Units UnitsObjective Avg. South Slope, Diamond Mtn South Slope, Diamond Mtn Book Cliffs Book Cliffs La Sal, Dolores Triangle La Sal, Dolores Triangle San Juan, Elk Ridge San Juan, Elk Ridge West Desert, Vernon West Desert, Vernon Fillmore, Oak Creek Fillmore, Oak Creek Plateau, Thousand Lake Plateau, Thousand Lake
2011 Limited Entry Deer Permit Recommendations 2010 Permits 2011 Permits Limited Entry ResidentNon-Res.TotalResidentNon-Res.Total Archery Archery Any Weapon Any Weapon Muzzleloader Muzzleloader Total Total
2011 General Season and Limited Entry Elk Permit Recommendations
2011 General Season Elk Permits ► ► The new statewide plan calls for an increase in spike permits to 15,000 in 2011 if hunt success rate is below 20% ► ► Since the success rate was 18% in 2010, we recommend increasing spike permits from 13,750 to 15,000 ► ► We recommend no change to the general any bull permit numbers 14,300 300 youth any bull 15 Late youth any bull
2011 Limited Entry Elk Permit Recommendations 2010 Permits 2011 Permits Limited Entry ResidentNon-Res.TotalResidentNon-Res.Total Archery Any Weapon Muzzleloader Premium Total No substantial increase in total Limited Entry permits (11 units increased, 2 units stayed the same, and 16 units decreased)
LE Antler Quality Vs. Opportunity ► ► Some have commented that antler quality on our limited entry units has declined ► ► In the statewide plan we manage for antler quality on some units (high harvest age objective) and opportunity on some units (low harvest age objective) ► ► The units managed for opportunity are less likely to produce book heads, but you can still harvest a nice bull on those units
LE Antler Quality Vs. Opportunity ► ► Even though we have increased opportunity on some units, we are still the leading state for elk that go into the record books. Between Utah led the west with 29 entries of typical elk into B&C followed by Arizona 23 and Montana 22 In the reporting period Utah led with 13 entries of typical elk into B&C followed by Montana 9, Arizona 6, Colorado 6 and Wyoming 5
Average Age of Harvested Bull Elk 23% reduction in permits on these units (-124) Unit NameObjective Harvest Age ( Average) 2010 Draw Permits 2011 Draw Permits Beaver Book Cliffs, Little Creek Fillmore, Pahvant Monroe * Plateau, Boulder/Kaiparowits San Juan * Objective was increased in the new statewide plan
Average Age of Harvested Bull Elk 10% reduction in permits on these units (-51) Unit NameObjective Harvest Age ( Average) 2010 Draw Permits 2011 Draw Permits Book Cliffs, Bitter Creek Central Mtns, Nebo * S Slope, Diamond Mtn. * SW Desert, Indian Peaks * Objective was increased in the new statewide plan
Average Age of Harvested Bull Elk 10% increase in permits on these units (+156) Unit NameObjective Harvest Age ( Average) 2010 Draw Permits 2011 Draw Permits Box Elder, Pilot Mt Central Mtns, Manti La Sal Mt. Dutton5.5 – N Slope, 3 Corners Nine Mile, Anthro Oquirrh-Stansbury Panguitch Lake Plateau, Fishlake Wasatch Mountains W Desert, Deep Creek
Average Age of Harvested Bull Elk 10% increase in permits on these units (+31) Unit NameObjective Harvest Age ( Average) 2010 Draw Permits 2011 Draw Permits Box Elder, Grouse Creek Cache, Meadowville Cache, North Cache, South Fillmore, Oak Creek Nine Mile, Range Creek Paunsaugunt
2011 Pronghorn Permit Recommendations
Weapon Type 2010 Permits 2011 Permits ResidentNon-Res.TotalResidentNon-Res.Total Archery Muzz Any Weapon Total
2011 Once-in-a-Lifetime Permit Recommendations
Species 2010 Permits 2011 Permits ResidentNon-res.TotalResidentNon-res.Total Moose Bison Desert Bighorn Rocky Mtn. Bighorn * Rocky Mtn. Goat *Includes Antelope Island Tag
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