THE NATIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE RESPONSE POLICY The National Climate Change Response Implementation Framework Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Water.


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Presentation transcript:

THE NATIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE RESPONSE POLICY The National Climate Change Response Implementation Framework Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Water and Environmental Affairs 14 November 2012

Overview of presentation Objectives set out in the National Climate Change Response Policy Re-cap on PCWEA hearings in June 2012 Overview of expected deliverables Approach to implementation Thematic areas Mitigation Adaptation Monitoring and evaluation Institutional arrangements

Effectively manage inevitable climate change impacts through interventions that build and sustain South Africa’s social, economic and environmental resilience and emergency response capacity. Make a fair contribution to the global effort to stabilize GHG concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that avoids dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system within a timeframe that enables economic, social and environmental development to proceed in a sustainable manner. Objectives of the National Climate Change Response Policy

RECAP ON ADAPTATION PROGRAMMES Agriculture: -Landcare -Sector plan -Atlas on CC -Research DEA: Biodiversity -Vulnerability assessment of SA biomes -Set of existing policy / planning tools -Ecosystem based adaptation National Disaster Management Sector -Disaster management plans -Partnering with SAWS DCOG -Mainstreaming of DRR and CC adaptation in planning -Lets Respond Toolkit Water Affairs -Water conservation and demand management -CC embedded in integrated water resource management -Pilot regions for detailed CC assessment DEA NRM: -Working for water, fire et Common set of climate scenarios Impact scenarios in key sectors Assess costs and agree adaptation responses per sector SAWS: -Forecasting -Early warning -Research

RECAP ON MITIGATION PROGRAMS Treasury: -Carbon tax Transport -Sustainable Transport Strategy -Green government motor fleet procurement policy -Transport EE implementation strategy -Bus Rapid Transit -Taxi recapitalization -Integrated transport network development -Road to rail Trade & Industry -IPAP -Local content requirements in RE -Building regulations -National Cleaner Production Centre Energy: -IRP (2010) – renewables = 17.8GW by Integrated Energy Planning process -Solar Park pre- feasibility; -Liquid biofuels -SA Renewables Initiative -Energy Efficiency Strategy & Demand Side Management Human Settlements: -Guidelines for environmentally sound housing -Use national building regulations on EE measures Assess mitigation potential Assess costs / benefits Agree DEROs and mix of measures to achieve DEROs Mainstream in sector plans

SUMMARY OF KEY POINTS ARISING FROM HEARINGS General: Seek an integrated approach to mitigation and adaptation Develop an overall framework for implementation that shows the roles and responsibilities of all players Departments presented full programs. Aim for more specificity on climate change outcomes. Adaptation: actions are currently adhoc and need to be more strategic, planned and targeted. Mitigation: further work needed to clarify the relationship between the work on mitigation potential, the flagship programmes, and monitoring and evaluation Resource mobilisation: further work required to unpack funding flows for climate change response

TOWARDS A NATIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE RESPONSE EFFORT Adaptation: Programmes need to use a common set of climate scenarios, and likely impact scenarios, and build in system for monitoring impact & outcome Mitigation: Programmes need to contribute to a single agreed set of desired emission reduction outcomes (DEROs); and contribute to single system for measure outcome (emission reductions) Climate change response flagships: accredited on the basis of an agreed set of criteria, foundation of the national collective response to climate change Monitoring and evaluation: coherent system to monitor outcome of collective response

Consolidate programs Identify barriers Assess scale-up potential To leverage private and public sector funding Assess current mitigation and adaptation outcomes Design M&E system Track progress to lower carbon, climate resilient society Assess mitigation potential Assess costs / benefits Agree DEROs and mix of measures to achieve Mainstream in sector plans Catalyse implementation Assess risk and impact scenarios in key sectors Assess costs Agree adaptation responses per sector Mainstream in sector plans Catalyse implementation Adaptation Mitigation Climate Change Flagships Monitoring and evaluation Mobilise resources Build science platform Raise Awareness Mobilise resources Build science platform Raise Awareness

Flagships Planning Mitigation potential analysis Long term adaptation scenarios Implementation Mainstreaming through sector policy review Monitoring and evaluation

Mitigation: Desired emission reduction outcomes will be defined Carbon budgets will be drawn up, for relevant economic sectors Adaptation: Climate risk analysis to be undertaken on all sectoral plans, resulting in: (i) the identification and prioritisation of key short and medium term adaptation interventions that must be addressed in sector plans; (ii) the identification of adaptation responses that require co-ordination between specific sectors and / or departments” Develop and pilot a methodology to downscale climate information and comprehensive impact assessments to specific geographical areas NCCRP deliverables within 2 years

NCCRP deliverables within 2 years (ii) Monitoring and evaluation: A draft climate change response monitoring and evaluation system will be designed and published The emissions inventory will be a web-based GHG emission reporting system and will form part of the National Atmospheric Emission Inventory component of SAAQIS. It will be developed, tested and commissioned Policy review: “all Government departments and state owned enterprises will need to review the policies, strategies, legislation, regulations and plans falling within their jurisdiction, to ensure full alignment with the National Climate Change Response, within 2 years of the publication of this policy”

AdaptationMitigation Flagships (FS) Define and quantify adaptation outcomes Develop framework for implementing the water & adaptation research FS Identify other adaptation FS Prioritse energy, transport, waste Develop framework for implementation Analyse current emission reductions & co-benefits, and scale up options Integrate reporting system PlanLongterm Adaptation Scenarios Impacts modelling Economic cost modelling Assessment of adaptation options Assess mitigation potential Define DERO’s Define mix of measures for achieving Develop sector plans Implement Support to provinces /local auth Co-ordinate cross-sectoral adaptation responses Leverage finance (Green Fund, Adaptation Fund) Support to provinces / local auth Co-ordinate cross-sectoral mitigation responses Leverage finance (Green Fund, NAMA through UNFCCC registry Mainstream through sector policy review Climate risk analysis on sector policies / plans; identify adaptation interventions for sector plans Mainstream adaptation responses in sector policies / plans Assess policy barriers to adaptation Mainstream mitigation responses in sector plans Assess / address policy barriers

Institutional arrangements IGCCC & NCCC Technical Working Group on Adaptation Technical Working Group on Mitigation EnergyTransport AFOLUIndustry Waste Technical Working Group on M&E

Coordination of technical work Coordination within government and with stakeholders will be central to the success of this work. Therefore: Technical Working Groups established on Mitigation, Adaptation, Monitoring and Evaluation DEA to report the work of the TWG to the IGCCC, NCCC & cluster committee structures. Composition: Government, Civil Society, Labour, Business, State-owned research institutions Functions: Overall co-ordination of the technical work; and to coordinate the sectoral technical work Example: TWG on mitigation has sectoral work streams: (energy – DOE; industry – DTI; agriculture – DAFF; transport - DOT)

Summary of the deliverables required by the NCCRP (i) Adaptation: Establish a monitoring system for gathering information and reporting progress on the implementation of adaptation actions, and to assess the effectiveness of adaptation responses (ii) Mitigation: Collect, analyse and report data to: -monitor the outcome of specific mitigation actions -monitor the collective outcome of all mitigation actions (iii) Flagship programmes: to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of Near-term Priority Flagship Programmes using an annual reporting process Monitoring and Evaluation

This work will consist of: the preparatory phase (mapping of the status quo of monitoring and reporting of mitigation actions), the design of the draft national M&E System (framework), updating of the content and architecture of the National Climate Change Response Database (web- based data-capturing system) sub-sector trends analyses from the updated GHG inventory and also from the updated database Monitoring and Evaluation

Immediate deliverables of M&E ( ) Draft of SA’s Climate Change Response M&E System (Framework) - to be finalized by October 2013 UNFCCC Biennial Update Report - to be submitted to the UNFCCC in December 2014 An up-to-date monitoring system for gathering information and reporting progress on the implementation of mitigation and adaptation actions Scope and approach to undertake work on the 3rd National Communication

Monitoring and Evaluation – implementation progress Updating the National Climate Change Response (NCCR) Database Web-based system for gathering information and reporting progress on the implementation of mitigation and adaptation actions This work will include: -Gathering information on ‘new’ mitigation and adaptation initiatives that are not included in the current version of the NNCR database -Collecting methodological information associated with the mitigation and adaptation programmes and projects -Identifying research that has been undertaken since 2000 that focuses on climate change mitigation and adaptation

Monitoring and Evaluation – implementation progress Designing and developing the Climate Change Monitoring and Evaluation System This work will be the description of: (i) what do we want the system to do, (ii) where do we get that information from, (iii) how do we get that information and (iv) outputs and communication of the analyses from that information Currently consulting the stakeholders on Terms of Reference for undertaking this exercise Drafting of the Third National Communication and the Biennial Update Report Currently following GEF and UNEP procedures to access funding for the drafting of these documents.

Monitoring and Evaluation - Collaboration with other Departments: Department of Energy: Energy data needs to support the compilation of the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory. Interphase between the Climate Change Monitoring & Evaluation System and DoE’s Energy Efficiency Monitoring System Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Improving the GHG inventory of the Agriculture and other Land Use (AFOLU) sector National Treasury: Carbon tax policy paper Department of Transport Monitoring and evaluation elements that are associated with the flagship programmes that the Department of Transport has identified

THE NATIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE RESPONSE POLICY Progress on Climate Change Adaptation On LTAS: Recap Purpose: To project and evaluate the socio-economic and environmental implications of potential impacts of anticipated climate change and climate variability, and the adaptation response options available, for identified sectors in South Africa over short (next decade) medium (next two to three decades) and long term (mid-century to end of century), as dependent on the latest range of IPCC A2 (business as usual) forcing scenarios, and as required by South Africa’s National Climate Change Response White Paper.

Climate Change Scenarios Climate Change Impacts Scenarios Adaptation Response options and opportunities Economic Modelling of impacts costs and, Costs and avoided damages of adaptation Spatially explicit products on the SARVA platform that synthesize adaptation guidelines and potential adaptation response plans and make them available at all three spatial scales Sub-Regional Assessment Key elements of the longterm adaptation scenarios

How the longterm adaptation scenarios will contribute to planning and development processes It will inform all stakeholders (National, Provincial, Local & Business) of: The possible risks (as far as possible in economic terms) due to climate change to key sectors and resources over short, medium and long term The location and time-frames over which risks due to climate change become material for key sectors The implications of unfolding risks for development aspirations The costs, benefits and feasibility of adaptation responses to offset material risks and maintain development aspirations The cross-sectoral implications of risks and adaptation responses to offset these In addition, LTAS could start to inform the stakeholders of their potential roles in developing an effective and integrated response to climate change risk management, and to engage in developing guidelines for climate change risk management that are cognisant of current vulnerabilities and future development aspirations.

THE NATIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE RESPONSE POLICY Progress on Climate Change Adaptation 1 Longterm Adaptation Scenarios: Funding has been secured from GIZ by DEA to conduct phase 1 of the LTAS Implementation and governance structures are in place and operational o Adaptation Technical Working Group with links to IGCCC & NCCC o Project Steering Committee o Project Management Team TWG and specialist Task Team work in progress Climate scenarios for 2050 and 2100 due for completion

November 2012 (Statistically & Mechanistically downscaled scenarios & Historical data report) Impacts and adaptation specialists engaging in first phase (Water, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Health and Biodiversity & Ecosystems) LTAS research team integrated with Treasury team that is doing climate economic impacts work (Integrated Assessment Modelling) LTAS research integrated with National Implementing Entity for Adaptation LTAS research integration with development scenarios in all sectors in progress Progress on Climate Change Adaptation 2

Direct impacts sectors Economic implications sectors no adaptation Economic implications sectors + adaptation Climate scenarios Adaptation strategies Avoided damages H/settlements Agriculture Infrastructure Health Water Transport Biodiversity

THE NATIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE RESPONSE POLICY Progress on Climate Change Adaptation 3 On Policy Review: The intention of the policy alignment process as set out in section 10.1 of the Policy are follows: To mainstream climate-resilient development, all Government departments and state-owned enterprises will need to review the policies, strategies, legislation, regulations and plans falling within their jurisdictions to ensure full alignment with the National Climate Change Response within two years of the publication of this policy. On the basis of the outcome of these reviews, government will determine what adjustments need to be made to achieve alignment with the goals and objectives of the National Climate Change Response, and will identify any additional legislative or regulatory measures that are needed.

THE NATIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE RESPONSE POLICY Progress on Climate Change Adaptation 4 On Policy Review: Work underway to: Identify and assess all policies, legislation, strategies and plans relevant to developing a climate change adaptation response Identify the development goals and objectives and the policies, legislation, strategies and plans that define the development trajectory of each sector. Outline the development trajectory of each sector with reference to climate change. Identify the key indicators (e.g. Food security, water security, land use etc.) for assessing the development trajectory of each sector with or without climate change. Identify current opportunities, challenges and constraints. The report will provide recommendations to optimise policy coherence within sectors and across sectors.

NB. The work will be completed at the end of the third quarter. This work will optimise policy coherence within sectors and across sectors, and to ensure consistency between objectives, and optimal allocation and use of resources in order to achieve adaptation outcomes that support development aspirations. This work will also result in the integration of adaptation strategies in key sector plans, and will identify the adaptation responses that require coordination between sectors and departments and assist sectors to be able identify adaptation interventions or strategies that would be incorporated into other National Sustainable Agenda. Progress on Climate Change Adaptation 5

THE NATIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE RESPONSE POLICY Progress on Climate Change Adaptation 6 On Collaboration with other Departments: All Sector Departments identified by the policy are part of the Adaptation Technical Working meetings to give guidance and facilitate necessary shifts in approach (LTAS, Policy Review & Flagships) Collaborating with: o DWA in finalising the National Water Resource Strategy, their Climate Change Strategy for the Water Sector and Policy Review o DWA on the implementation of the Water Conservation and Demand Flagship o SANBI in implementation of the Adaptation Research Flagship o DCOG (NDMC) in reviewing the Disaster Management Act, 2002 o SALGA and DCOG in assisting local government to mainstream climate change into their IDP’s. Twenty municipalities were trained in “Let’s Respond” climate change toolkit

Mitigation – Implementation Progress Mitigation mapping- mapping of research information, institutions and instruments relevant to the mitigation elements of the NCCRP - background document Grouping of sectors: Grouping of key sectors, for which mitigation potential will be assessed To facilitate the analysis of possible mitigation actions and potential contribution to emission reduction Developed taking into account industrial organisation on the one hand and responsible government departments on the other Allows for collection of information to be managed at a sectoral level under the leadership of relevant govt depts

Mitigation – Implementation Progress Desired emission reduction outcomes (DEROs) - Oct 2013  Assessment of mitigation potential & opportunities Projection of National GHG emissions into the future Identification and analysis of mitigation opportunities in key sectors of the economy Socio-economic and environmental assessment of the identified mitigation options Progress: – Inception report – Draft report – end Jan 2013 – Final report – end May 2013  DEROs - Initial desired emission reduction outcomes- process will be initiated in June 2013

Mitigation – implementation progress Carbon tax – carbon budget interface Analysis of the different policy approaches and interfaces between the carbon budget and carbon tax instrument Currently underway National carbon sinks assessment –assesses the current national carbon sinks related to afforestation, forest restoration, wetlands, agricultural practice, bio-fuels, biomass, urban greening and all significant changes in land use, and to quantify the potential future carbon sinks under varying climate change scenarios and land use change South Africa’s 2050 pathways calculator – simple tool to demonstrate different emissions pathways - communicate to non-experts, etc. Currently finalising MoU with UK DECC

Other Departments DoE: Energy efficiency strategy Integrated Energy Plan Renewable energy independent power producer programme (REIPPP) NT Carbon tax policy paper

CLIMATE CHANGE RESPONSE FLAGSHIP PROGRAMMES “ A set of Near-term Priority Flagship Programmes will be implemented as an integral part of the the policy, informed: the urgency of acting on mitigation and adaptation responses the fact that many sectors have already researched and have experience in implementing policies and measures to address challenges of climate change”

Flagships – implementation progress Mapping exercise of near-term priority flagship programmes (mitigation and adaptation) This work includes provision of : -status quo of the design, development and implementation of near-term priority flagship programmes -description of what constitutes a flagship programme, eg. (i)Should have a significant mitigation/adaptation impact (ii)Should be programmatic (iii)Should be at a national or at least provincial scale (iv)Should be of a certain Readiness - the programme must have a clearly defined plan for implementation (v)Should have institutional coherence - clear implementing agency or central coordination mechanism