1 Running Programs on CSP CSP01.csci.unt.edu … CSP09. … Secure shell (ssh) to CSP computer Transfer file(s) using scp, … Edit on CSP machine with vi, pico, joe ? Compile program Run program possibly with redirected input and output
2 SSH Might be called something else on your computer, typically putty IFF you don’t have ssh, public domain copies are available, again likely as putty ssh csp04.csci.unt.edu
3 Compile and Run C gcc program.c./a.out OR gcc -o pgm -O3 program.c -lm./pgm Redirection of stdin, stdout gcc outputFile For C++, just use g++ rather than gcc
4 Compile and Run Java javc className.java followed by: java className The FileName.java needs to be the same name as the name of the class defined IN the file. Again, redirection is ok java className outputFile
5 Tips and Warnings Not all CSP machines are created equal I’ll use lots of programs in class. They will all be found (“on a CSP machine”) at ~sweany/public/1040/… ~sweany and /home/sweany are NOT the same !!! ~sweany is NOT a web site “cd ~sweany/public/1040” moves to that directory