Getting Started on Emerald Research Computing Group 2 What is Emerald? Logging into Emerald File manipulation on Emerald Submitting jobs on Emerald Interactive programs on Emerald Course Outline 3 Help Documentation Getting Started on Emerald General overview of Emerald for range of users Short Course – Getting Started on Emerald Detailed notes for beginning Emerald users 4 What is Emerald? 352-processor Linux Cluster Maintained by Research Computing Group Appropriate for all users regardless of expertise level Other Servers: Cedar/Cypress (128-processor SGI/Altix) Topsail (4160-processor Dell Linux Cluster) Mass Storage Account access 5 Advantages of Using Emerald High performance Large capacity Parallel processing Many available software packages Variety of compiling options 6 Emerald Linux Cluster 7 Distributed vs. Shared Memory Shared memory - single address space. All processors have access to a pool of shared memory. (examples: Yatta, Cedar/Cypress) Methods of memory access : Bus and Crossbar Distributed memory - each processor has it’s own local memory. Must do message passing to exchange data between processors. (examples: Emerald, Topsail) MEMORY BUS CPU MMMM NETWORK 8 Logging Into Emerald UNIX/Linux/OSX ssh Windows: SSH Secure Shell Setting up a Profile for Emerald Forwarding X11 packets 9 Home and Work Directories on Emerald Home Directory /afs/isis/home/m/y/my_onyen/ 250MB quota ~/private/ Files backed up daily [ ~/OldFiles ] Space quota/usage in Home Directory: fs lq Work Directory /netscr/my_onyen/ No space limit but periodically cleaned 10 File Manipulation Commands SSH Secure File Transfer Copy files cp command cp /afs/isis/depts/atn/rcg/example_code/Gaussian/ /netscr/my_onyen/. cp /afs/isis/depts/atn/rcg/example_code/sas/ /netscr/my_onyen/. cp -r cp -r ~/private/TestDirectory. Move files mv commands mv ~/private/testfile.txt. 11 File Manipulation Commands Tar archive To create a tar file tar –cvzf TestDirectory.tgz./ To see a tar file’s table of content tar –tvzf TestDirectory.tgz To untar a tar file tar –xvzf TestDirectory.tgz 12 Submitting Jobs: LSF and Packages LSF (Load Sharing Facility) Fairly distribute compute nodes among users 60 processor per user limit Packages ipm commands ipm add (ipm a) ipm remove (ipm r) ipm query (ipm q) Available packages ications.php ications.php 13 Details of LSF Submission host LIM Batch API Master host MLIM MBD Execution host SBD Child SBD LIM RES User job LIM – Load Information Manager MLIM – Master LIM MBD – Master Batch Daemon SBD – Slave Batch Daemon RES – Remote Execution Server queue Load information other hosts other hosts bsub app 14 Submitting Jobs: bsub Command bsub command All files must be in /netscr/my_onyen/ bsub [- bsub_opts] executable [-exec_opts] Queues – bqueues command week idle bsub –o bsub –o out.%J 15 Submitting Jobs: Following Job Progress bjobs bjobs –l JobID Shows current status of job bhist bhist –l JobID bkill bkill JobID Ends job prematurely bfree 16 Submitting Jobs: Specialty Scripts bsas bsub -q week -R blade sas bsas bmatlab bsub -q week -R blade matlab -nodisplay - nojvm -nosplash program.m -logfile program.log bmatlab test.m 17 Compiling on Emerald Compilers – FORTRAN 77/90/95 – C/C++ Parallel Computing – OpenMP – MPI (MPICH, LAM/MPI, MPICH-GM) 18 Compiling Details on Emerald CompilerPackage nameCommand Intelintel_fortran, intel_CCifort, icc Portland Grouppgipgf77, pgf90,pgcc,pgCC Absoftprofortranf77, f90 GNUgccg77,gcc, g++ 19 Compiling Details on Emerald Add a compiler into your working environment ipm add package_name Compile a code command code.f –o executable Run executable on a compute node using the bsub command bsub –q week –R blade executable 20 Submitting Jobs: Job Output Output sent to bsub –o Output saved in working directory bsub –u Output sent to specified address 21 Interactive Jobs: Setup X-Windows Linux/OSX X11 client Windows X-Win32 Offered on UNC Software Acquisition site Port forwarding on SSH Secure Shell Setting up a session on X-Win32 22 Interactive Jobs: Submission –Ip bsub –q int –R blade –Ip sas bsub –q int –R blade –Ip gv Specialty Scripts xsas xstata 23 Contacting Research Computing For assistance with Emerald, please contact the Research Computing Group: Phone: HELP Submit help ticket at