1 Industrial Data Implementors Forum Martin Hardwick STEP Tools, Inc. June 13, 2001 San Francisco, USA
2 The BIG Issues STEP-NC Conformance Testing –Demonstrations –What to do AP Interoperability –Unified PDM Schema –Modularity Upwards Compatibility –Changes in Progress –Part 21 Amendment – Multiple Data Sections –Short names Solid Model History STEP and XML –What to do
3 STEP-NC Conformance Testing First goal is to select Usage Scenarios Realism vs formal test cases –Formal test cases can seem simplistic to management (we don’t’ make that) CAM conformance –Check that CAM system can create valid part program to make the part on a reference machine –Also translate to ISO 6983 for software verification
NC verification Solid model comparison CAM CAD STEP NC CAM Conformance Test G codes Solid Model CAD Test Spec Geometry Test Spec CAM data Test Case STEP NC Checker
5 STEP NC CNC Conformance Testing Is the part machined correctly for the given input? Standard artifact can be provided; CAD files and drawings may suffice Additionally, a suite of STEP NC files can be provided that test exceptions that should be caught by the CNC –ISO 10303/21 syntax errors –STEP NC data structure errors –Bad data or “Widow maker” files
6 PDM Issues How to replace PDM Schema with 60 PDM modules? –Rules for short to long form generation may be vague –Is data exchange between different module subsets meaningful?
7 Measuring XML AP-203 Part 21 file for a conic (or other simple shape) PDM Schema file for a simple assembly Will send schemas and data to Request the Part 28 teams translate to –LB –OSEB –ETEB –Other Will post results to implementor’s forum web site Will measure file size Want suggestions for other meaningful measures –Will gather and discuss at next SC4 meeting
8 Parametrics and Construction History Parametrics integrated resource (Part 108) nearly ready for CD Construction History Test case being implemented Part 108 Constraints need to be added to test case Small number of design features models have been developed for the test part (Lblock part) Need resources to develop additional design feature models Implementors Guide for Construction History expected to be circulated shortly